This info is in config.xml isn't it?

<widget id="" version="1.0.0" xmlns=""; xmlns:cdv="";>



Plugins are already expected to read their own preferences, unfortuately
the file does not appear to be the right place, as
this is not a preference ...

We could add it to the base file, and all plugins would
instantly inherit it ..


On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Joe Bowser <> wrote:

> Hey
> So, after working on the Camera fix for Android N, I found that we need the
> Java plugins to be able to get the Application ID, and that we shouldn't
> expect the application ID to be the same as the namespace of the
> application, so I propose we add a getBuildConfigValue to Cordova.
> The only problem is where?  I initially put it in the CordovaInterfaceImpl,
> but that's not actually correct, since this changes the API surface of
> CordovaInterface for anyone trying to override it and implement their own.
> So, does anyone have any ideas where to put this?
> Joe

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