
While people have been talking about how critical their fix is for Cordova,
I actually found a critical issue that we missed in Cordova w.r.t builds
failing with Android Studio based projects, so I rushed some commits in for
Cordova-Android 6.1 release.

The reason that this is 6.1 and 6.01 is because we're also bumping the API
level to 25 so that we can support the latest version of Android out in the
wild, which is on the Google Pixel.  There's no real difference between the
two, and the current beta is actually 7.1.1.

BTW, it would be helpful if more people tested this release before we go
and vote on it so we don't have to do a 6.1.1.  The Apache process makes
releasing time-intensive, and I'd rather be working instead of waiting
around for things to be released over and over again.

What are people's thoughts on this?


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