I want to get some discussion on what the plugin.xml <resource-file> tag
should be doing in Windows because I didn't know that it had been changed
for a while now.

jira issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-12163

Current behavior: Doesn't copy resource file from src to target. Instead,
it will use a reference to the src location. This is the snippet from
PluginHandler.js explaining this behavior, which was not added to the docs.

// do not copy, but reference the file in the plugin folder. This
allows to// have multiple source files map to the same target and
select the appropriate// one based on the current build settings, e.g.
architecture.// also, we don't check for existence. This allows to
insert build variables// into the source file name, e.g.//
<resource-file src="$(Platform)/My.dll" target="My.dll" />

This is greatly different from the original intent of a the <resource-file>
tag since it doesn't do a copy. I don't think that this new behavior really
should have replaced the copy functionality. It's a little unintuitive to
reference resources from outside the application. Not all resource files
are .dll, and there's no other reasonable tag to do a copy for files that
are not source files, lib files, or assets. (e.g, I'm using resource-file
tag with a .properties file, but because it does not get copied over, I
can't reference my properties).

These are the points I think we should come to a decision on
1. What should be the default behavior of <resource-file> tag? Should it
simply be copy resources as it was originally intended to, or should it be
doing what it is now, which is making a reference to the resource files.
2. Should <resource-file> tag handle both functionalities, or should one be
separated out into another tag?

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