
It looks like Google updated the SDK tools and broke the entire Android
build in the process.  It looks like we're going to have to re-write the
entire GradleBuilder, and we may need to bundle our own version of the
Gradle Wrapper in the project and make sure that we keep pace with the
latest Android Gradle Wrapper.

This is a blocker, and right now we advise people to not upgrade their
Android tools until we get this resolved.  That being said, this will
probably take weeks, if not a month or more to resolve since we're going to
have to re-work one of the most complex, if not the most complex parts of
the build scripts so that it works again.

So, first of all, can we even distribute a gradle wrapper in a project, or
is there some legal thing preventing us?

Secondly, does anyone want to help re-write this thing? Honestly, our build
scripts are some special unique hell of Javascript and Gradle that I can't
see anyone wanting to volunteer to do, but if people step up, I'd be very

Finally, we don't have a ton of time to do this.  I eventually got the
broken SDK by switching to the Canary channel on Android Studio, but people
accidentally got this when it was pushed to stable.

Any thoughts?  Anyone want to help with this?


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