
During the recent testing of our ios cordova applications, we got an issue of 
the app’s main UIwebview UI freezing after dismissing the inappbrowser. 
Debugging shows somehow the UIWindow created by inappbrowser did not 
deallocated as expected after calling the close method to dismiss the 
inappbrowser. So although the inappbrowser’s UIWindows is invisiable, but it is 
still the keywindow and receive the user input. The xcode instrument shows 
there is only one reference on the inappbrowser’s UIWindow object , which is 
expected to be released after dismissing the inappbrowser viewcontroller. 
Although this part of logic is inside the Apple SDK, and not sure exactly when 
the UIWindow is released within the Apple SDK. Note this happens randomly, so 
it may be a timing related issue.

Just wonder whether anyone else has seen the similar issue? Or have any idea 
about it. Both main webview and inappbrwoser webview use UIWebView to show the 
html content. WKWebview is not involved.

For now, we added an if condition in the show method in dispatch_async block in 
our inappbrowser.m to work around the issue, but if others see the same thing, 
we will need to have a pull request for this change.

- (void)show:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command

    // Run later to avoid the "took a long time" log message.
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        if (weakSelf.inAppBrowserViewController != nil) {
            if ([weakSelf.inAppBrowserViewController.webView 
isKindOfClass:[WKWebView class]]) {
                                CGRect frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
                                UIWindow *tmpWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] 
                                UIViewController *tmpController = 
[[UIViewController alloc] init];
                                [tmpWindow setRootViewController:tmpController];
                                [tmpWindow setWindowLevel:UIWindowLevelNormal];

                                [tmpWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
                                [tmpController presentViewController:nav 
animated:YES completion:nil];
            else {
  [weakSelf.viewController presentViewController:nav animated:YES 


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