
I’ve closed the issue on <>, since 
@jcesar is indeed correct. I’ve included more info in a comment.

That’s not to say that the docs being incorrect or Cordova-iOS not respecting 
the docs isn’t a problem — it is. Just that that should be a different issue 
with dev consensus on what should happen. I’ve created CB-12739 to track that.

(As to why I’ve never encountered the issue: I have always provided the 
multiple icons that Apple requires. So I have never only supplied one icon to 
see the issue.)

~ Kerri

> On Apr 28, 2017, at 16:04, Jordan Zimmerman <> 
> wrote:
> Hello Devs,
> I'm not used to an Apache project not having an @user list so I'm writing 
> here. How does one find out status on issues? I opened CB-12733 yesterday but 
> checked SO and the issue has existed for over a year: 
> <>
> What is Cordova's process for addressing issues like this?
> -Jordan

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