
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Shazron <> wrote:

> I'm afraid that will be something INFRA would need to do. As part of the
> Gitbox project, the repo is moved from git-wip-us.a.o to gitbox.a.o
> So for example, this issue:
> Has the old link:
> You would replace `git-wip-us` with `gitbox` and it should work:
> <;h=80a09b8>
> I suppose we could file a feature request with INFRA to try to map the old
> repos to their gitbox equivalents.
> On Aug 17, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Connor Pearson <> wrote:
> Thanks, Shazron. I think that clears up all my questions on issues. I have
> a question about the code move though.
> I was looking into an older Jira item today and noticed that all the links
> to cordova-android commits fail. Is it possible to make the original
> repositories mirrors of the Github ones or leave them as a read-only
> archive?
> On August 12, 2017 at 2:42:42 AM, Shazron ( wrote:
> Clearing up some questions here.
> @dpogue
> ---
> True, we will have to rely on users filing issues in the right place. JIRA
> however, does not make it easy to do that since they start with a blank
> slate. When a user files an issue on a repo, they 95% know it applies to
> that repo.
> The 5% of the time is people filing issues under a platform when it really
> should be under a plugin or a tool. Like @janpiotrowski mentioned, we could
> do a "manual" move (like how Ionic does it), but it can get tedious. I wish
> Github had a way to move an issue.
> @connorpearson
> ---
> The move to Github is primarily for:
> 1. Less friction for people to file issues
> 2. Active/High traffic repo management
> Therefore the less active repos (effectively dead) we are not concerned
> about since we don't plan on working on them anymore (new features, bug
> fixes). This includes the deprecated components. All issues will be closed
> for those since effectively we "Won't Fix".
> We will only migrate open issues for the repos that are to be migrated.
> cordova-plugins is in the migration plan:
> proposals/
> As issues for repos that don't exist -- all issues should correspond to an
> issue in the code, thus they should be tied to a repo, I can't foresee an
> orphan issue -- my suggestion is to just file an issue to the repo you
> think is "closest" in that case.
> There are however cases in JIRA where an issue is for "AllPlugins" or
> "AllComponents". We would have to unroll those into tasks for each plugin
> or component, create one for each. We lose JIRA's subtask feature however.
> If we ever need the subtask functionality we can do a "Github Project"
> (which can span a GH org) for the N tasks -- but unfortunately they are
> standalone and cannot be part of another Project board.
> @filmaj
> ---
> Leftover repos we don't want any activity really since we don't plan on
> working on them anymore, so no point in migrating. Deprecated component
> issues will only exist in JIRA.
> @janpiotrowski
> ---
> Good idea to perhaps use repo to perhaps house this
> aggregate view of all the relevant Cordova repos, although @filmaj's idea
> of using the Github Issues browser and targeted queries could work just as
> well -- perhaps can just host these constructed links
> that
> we want.
> @julio
> ---
> Unfortunately the security issues cannot be migrated until these can be
> resolved:
> 1. Can we get a private repo for security issues on Github? It might be
> cost-prohibitive to upgrade since an org will have to pay for each user in
> the org, per month (regardless of them using the private repo). Not sure if
> Apache has some sort of deal with GH.
> 2. A security reporter can't file a Private issue in Github, unlike in
> JIRA. This is less of a problem since the PMC can file it, but see point 3
> below.
> 3. Private Issue View Granularity. Right now if a security reporter
> files a Private Issue in JIRA, they and the PMC can view and comment on the
> issue, and have a real conversation. Github however doesn't provide
> granularity on a per issue level. We don't want a security reporter to have
> access to the other security issues they are not part of. Again, this might
> not be a problem if we are the only ones having a discussion on it, but it
> would be nice versus having a dual Github and email disjointed
> conversation.
> ---
> I'll add some of these issues, and you should also continue this discussion
> in:
> On Aug 3, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Filip Maj <> wrote:
> Did a little searching, and GitHub has a global issue search you can
> use:
> Combine that with a custom search query, essentially a giant chain of
> (repo:apache/cordova-browser or repo:apache/cordova-android) etc., and
> I think you could get what you want.
> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 4:30 AM, Jan Piotrowski <>
> wrote:
> What about security issues?
> Right now on jira we have private security issues not visible for the
> regular people and as far as I know, we can't do that on GitHub
> Initial idea: Have an email address where people can send messages to,
> the recipient then creates an issue on a private Github repo for
> further talking about it.
> You could probably also create a public form that does the same job of
> the email address and person creating the ticket automatically if too
> much effort and needed too often.
> (But maybe there is a better solution, one could investigate how other
> Github based projects do that)
> -J
> 2017-08-03 11:55 GMT+02:00 julio cesar sanchez <>:
> What about security issues?
> El 3 ago. 2017 4:53 a. m., "Jan Piotrowski" <>
> escribió:
> As a user, I’ll occasionally skim the recently opened bugs in Jira
> across the entire project to see if any may affect us. Is there going to be
> a way to do this with Github? Subscribing to notifications could be a
> work-around but it’s not ideal.
> Good question. I can't really think of a way to do this...
> Github doesn't offer this out of the box (besides watching all repos
> yourself, which comes with its own challenges). But Github has an API,
> I am pretty sure someone already wrote something that combines issues
> of several repos into one interface to look at, then links to the
> individual issues (If not, it wouldn't be too much work to create
> something like that) (Could become the new maybe?).
> Would this fulfill your use case?
> -J
> 2017-08-03 3:13 GMT+02:00 Filip Maj <>:
> Since it looks like not all repositories will be migrated where should
> their issues go?
> All repositories will be migrated.
> What about issues for repositories that don’t yet exist
> Can you give me an example?
> or cross-cutting issues?
> I think if you absolutely need issues related to multiple repos, you
> can always create multiple issues in all relevant repos and
> cross-reference them.
> As a user, I’ll occasionally skim the recently opened bugs in Jira
> across the entire project to see if any may affect us. Is there going to be
> a way to do this with Github? Subscribing to notifications could be a
> work-around but it’s not ideal.
> Good question. I can't really think of a way to do this...
> Are we going to get more high quality bug reports using Github? This
> may not be answerable without trying it out, but making issues easier to
> create issues could cause an influx of questions and non-cordova related
> bugs. This could add on to the difficulties of triaging and migrating bugs
> across repos.
> To be fair, we already get painful triage-work via GitHub just by
> opening up Pull Requests to the public. People will use those to post
> questions or issues, because they are unaware that there are other
> support and issue filing avenues (they will mask them as PRs merging a
> release branch into master). At least those people now have a more
> obvious place to file issues: the Issues section on GitHub. We already
> have a lot of triage work on JIRA as it is. I doubt this will go down.
> That said, I don't think that's necessarily bad. Will we have more
> work? Probably. Will we be able to more easily identify issues, and
> earlier, and generally be also more accessible to our community? I
> would think yes. Double-edged sword. I say let's see how it goes.
> If we migrate before triaging where will all the un-triaged issues end
> up?
> They would end up in GitHub, at which point we'd triage them within
> GitHub.
> Also if we enable Github issues before phase 2 are we going to be using
> both Jira and Github Issues for a period of time?
> Yes.
> Different topic: Shaz, based on your INFRA ticket / phase breakdown,
> the implication is that there will be leftover cordova repos in Apache
> Git (cordova-medic, weinre, deprecated platforms / plugins). What do
> we do with those? Separate discussion?
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 5:32 PM, Connor Pearson <> wrote:
> I have a few questions about moving issues to GitHub. I haven’t used
> Github
> issues much so these all may be easily solvable.
> * Since it looks like not all repositories will be migrated where should
> their issues go? What about issues for repositories that don’t yet
> exist or
> cross-cutting issues?
> * As a user, I’ll occasionally skim the recently opened bugs in Jira
> across
> the entire project to see if any may affect us. Is there going to be a
> way
> to do this with Github? Subscribing to notifications could be a
> work-around
> but it’s not ideal.
> * Are we going to get more high quality bug reports using Github? This
> may
> not be answerable without trying it out, but making issues easier to
> create
> issues could cause an influx of questions and non-cordova related bugs.
> This could add on to the difficulties of triaging and migrating bugs
> across
> repos.
> * If we migrate before triaging where will all the un-triaged issues end
> up? Also if we enable Github issues before phase 2 are we going to be
> using
> both Jira and Github Issues for a period of time?
> -Connor
> On August 2, 2017 at 7:08:18 PM, Jan Piotrowski (
> wrote:
> If people post their issue at the wrong repo (which of course can and
> will happen from time to time), there is a way to move them over with
> minimal loss of information:
> This works for issues where several people replied already in the
> exact same way:
> As the original poster of the issue and each reply is @-mentioned they
> are notified about the "new" issue and can continue participating.
> Replying users also can just include the @username in their new
> replies again to make sure people get notified.
> -J
> 2017-08-02 21:53 GMT+02:00 Filip Maj <>:
> I think the ease of use of GitHub issues overcomes potential problems
> about cross-referencing issues. Worth noting on this topic that GitHub
> already provides good support for referencing pull requests from
> issues across repos / orgs.
> The benefit of having issues and PRs in one place, to me, is a benefit
> too tasty to pass up.
> Darryl, do you have examples of issues that you think could be
> problematic in a GitHub-based world?
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Darryl Pogue <>
> wrote:
> My concern with GitHub issues is that we have a tonne of repos and
> issues
> can easily span across them, and we'd lose the one central place for
> issue
> tracking and triage. I worry that we'd be inundated with issues on the
> wrong repos, or without additional information, and triaging would
> become
> an insurmountable chore leading to a worse backlog than we already
> have
> in
> On 2 August 2017 at 12:38, Shazron <> wrote:
> Phase 1 of our move to Github is complete, see:
> We need a migration plan for moving JIRA issues to Github Issues
> before
> we
> enable Github Issues on those repos.
> Once we figure those out, we can proceed with Phase 2:
> I'll start it off by saying that ideally we:
> 1. Triage issues
> 2. Automate migration of existing open issues to Github issues
> 3. "Close off" the JIRA issues
> The impact of this is, the original reporters will not get notified
> of
> further updates to the issue except for a link to the new issue on
> Github
> as a JIRA comment (since they will not be subscribed to the Github
> issue).
> We could also migrate every open issue first, then triage later in
> Github,
> as well.
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