Last year, Jan started a thread with different topics and one of them was
to have a merge convention. I copy the text:

> 3. Merge Conventions / Protected Branch:

> Connected to all that is my suggestion to protect the `master` branch so
that by default nobody can commit there - all changes have to be made via
Pull Requests. Pull Requests are by default merged via the "Squash + Merge"
button / functionality so that all commits are squashed into one clean
commit per change. This also enforces the commit message structure I posted
above. (Of course committers can choose to _not_ use Squash + Merge if
appropriate for the PR - e.g. when cherry picking commits from a release
branch or similar).

> What do you think about this suggestion?

Looks like we didn't agree on anything, but can we agree now?

I've checked a few repos and some of them have a lot of commits from the
same PR with meaningless commit messages when changes were requested, plus
the ugly "merge PR ### from YYY" that makes the commit history hard to
follow and hard to cherry pick if needed.

Since I'm not sure if we can protect branches, I'll focus only on the merge

Can we all agree on using the "squash + merge" for user PRs, unless we
think the different commits makes sense, in this case we should try the
"rebase and merge" button.

I vote +1

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