For iOS we have been talking about releasing the conditional compile time
UIWebView removal in a minor release.
But was not decided and current PR doesn’t apply changes to already added
platforms, so it needs to remove and add again, which is not ideal.
That link also contains a few things we should do for the next cordova-ios
major release

El martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019, Bryan Ellis <> escribió:

> Does anyone have any reason to delay moving forward with releasing the next
> major (breaking changes) PRs to our platform repos?
> Most of the tooling repos have already moved forward and merged in the next
> major PRs.
> Platforms are beginning to get next-major PRs and we would like to start
> reviewing and merging them. As well we would like to continue submitting
> more of these major changes that might also rely on other PRs.
> If anyone has work that they feel or would like to see released beforehand,
> it might be a good time to start planning and preparing a patch or minor
> release.

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