Maybe it makes more sense for the tooling packages, common, cli, lib, etc,
as they get less issues reported and it's usually more confusing for users
(and me) to report in the proper place as a bug in one of those modules can
be caused by another module. But I would keep platforms and plugins in
separate repos.
Also the monorepo makes it not possible to install from github, I think a
lot of people rely on that for installing unreleased versions (specially
for plugins since there are no nightly versions for them).

El jue., 27 ago. 2020 a las 18:26, Chris Brody (<>)

> Someone had an idea to convert Cordova into a single monorepo. There
> are some very well-known benefits, and it would help us to keep the
> issues and discussions all in one place. Lerna seems to be a nice tool
> to keep things consistent and in sync.
> I think the original PhoneGap that Cordova was based on was a kind of
> monorepo, before it was split up.
> I generally tend to lean the other way and favor "small, focused
> modules" but just wanted to mention this idea in case it can help lead
> to other ideas.
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