Tomorrow works for me.

I think one topic that might be good to cover is the history of the
Platform Centric Workflow, and the current problems with it, so that
folks have some more context for discussions about potentially
removing it. I'm happy to present this, but might need some
input/corrections from Jesse about historical decisions.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 1:38 AM Jesse <> wrote:
> As alluded to in the private conversations in #slack, we are tentatively
> having a meetup on Thursday the 17th at 8 AM PDT.  This timeframe does not
> work great for everyone, but none ever will, and I think that is okay, we
> are distributed, and these meetings are about discussion and collaboration
> more than decision making so no one should feel left out, or obligated to
> attend.
> That said, we haven't got a lot of time before Thursday morning ... ~30
> hours, and I would like us to have some defined discussion points, ideally
> brought up by people who would like to present them.
> How does everyone feel about going ahead with the hangout this week? We
> could also push back a week.
> Who has a topic they would like to present for discussion?
> Cheers,
>   Jesse

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