The statusbar plugin has this styles:

   - *StatusBar.styleDefault*: Use the default statusbar (dark text, for
   light backgrounds)
   - *StatusBar.styleLightContent:* Use the lightContent statusbar (light
   text, for dark backgrounds).

This was enough until iOS 13 came out, then Apple added DarkContent to be
the dark text and changed default to change according to the user theme.

Since *StatusBar.**styleDefault* was setting the text to whie in some cases
now, I changed it to work as the docs say, always use dark text (asked on
the issue and users wanted it like that). But after it was merged, some
users started to say that we should provide a new
*StatusBar.styleDarkContent* and make *StatusBar.**styleDefault *work as
the native default value (change according to the configured user theme).

So, what should we do?

1) Add a new *StatusBar.styleDarkContent *method that would work as the
*StatusBar.**styleDefault* works now, dark text, and change *StatusBar.*
*styleDefault* to use the native default value so it changes according to
the user theme.

2) Add a new *StatusBar.styleDarkContent *method that would work as the
styleDefault works now, dark text, add another new *StatusBar.styleSystem*
(or similar name)  to use the native default value so it changes according
to the user theme, and deprecate *StatusBar.**styleDefault*.

3) Keep the *StatusBar.**styleDefault* for dark text and add a new
*StatusBar.styleSystem* (or similar name) to make the status bar change
according to the user theme.

Next release is going to be a major release, so we shouldn't worry about
breaking changes. But not sure which change would be the least confusing
for users, matching the style names to the native iOS names and their
bebavior, keep default as dark text as that's what is documented or use a
more neutral name for style changing according to the theme.

Note, it's not clear if we can accomplish the status bar style change
according to the user/phone theme on Android.

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