This fix should also be included

And since it's going to be a minor release, we should probably include all
the features too.
I, as a user, would find it very confusing that issues that have been
marked as "fixed" years ago, are not included in the latest release.

Also, note that the "iOS 16.4 not being inspectable" thing, is only a
problem if using Xcode 14.3, I can inspect without problems when using
Xcode 14.1, even on iOS 16.4 and 16.5 beta. So users have a workaround.

El mié, 12 abr 2023 a las 9:13, Niklas Merz (<>)

> Thank you all for the feedback.
> I agree that the small release should be 6.3.0 and I would prefer to
> keep this release small with the discussed changes cherry-picked:
> 1. feat: set webView.inspectable to true for Debug builds on iOS >= 16.4
> 2. (ios) fix: workaround for DisallowOverscroll on iOS 16
> 3. fix(node-18): ATS URL Parsing
> They are all merged now in master and 1 is already in the 6.2.x branch.
> If someone else want's to backport them in 6.2.x I would be happy for
> that.
> I would start the release then some time this week and try to get it out
> quickly. I can also start working on the next major next week (once I am
> back from vacation and have access to a Mac again). This way we can have
> look at more open PRs, version bumps and do some tests for the major.
> Thanks again for the help. I hope this is the best approach for the
> users.
> On April 11, 2023, "" <> wrote:
> > As a counterpoint I would propose just releasing what we have as
> > 7.0.0.
> > This would get all of our existing work into developer's hands and
> > reduce
> > the number of things that could be issues coming in from the field. I
> > think
> > this would be more agile and more consistent with the modern
> > philosophy of
> > continuous delivery.
> >
> > It could be ideal to release both minor and major release versions but
> > I
> > think this would be overkill.
> >
> > Considering that it has been a couple years or so since the last major
> > cordova-ios release, and its major version number is a few behind
> > Cordova
> > itself, I don't see any potential issue with an extra major release.
> >
> > Unfortunately I don't have much time to work on making any release at
> > this
> > point. Leaving now to best judgement of everyone else. Thanks to
> > everyone
> > actively working on the updates!
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 11, 2023, 1:21 PM Darryl Pogue <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 10:08 AM Norman Breau
> > <>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I also want to point out (as we ran into issues cherry-picking and
> > > > testing locally against our apps)
> > > > that dpogue's PR for NodeJS 18 support won't be cherry-picked
> > easily as
> > > > the function
> > > > being changed has been renamed at
> > > >
> > >
> > ios/commit/21983197042908dff4cd49b00728b0c1d6703322
> > >
> > > The function name changed, but the implementation didn't, so
> > > backporting it manually shouldn't be an issue.
> > >
> > > If the PR gets accepted to master, I'm happy to do the backport to
> > 6.x.
> > >
> > > > So it might be easier to cut off NodeJS 18 support off in
> > > > cordova-ios@6.x (We have never claimed support for it anyway)
> > > > and officially support NodeJS starting in cordova-ios@7
> > >
> > > My concern here is just that node 18 is already LTS, and it feels
> > like
> > > we'd be under increased pressure to get 7.0.0 out the door just to
> > fix
> > > this particular bug.
> > >
> > > Which is to say, I'm +1 on including both of the fixes in a 6.x
> > > release in the near future.
> > >
> > > ~Darryl
> > >
> > >
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