Personally I think we can wait on AGP 8/Gradle 8.

It will only be required for API 34 support, and using AGP 7/Gradle 7 doesn't completely block you from using Android Studio Flamingo (some things in AS doesn't work
but you can still run/debug native code just fine).

So we can introduce AGP 8 support on our next major when we preparing to target API 34.

On 2023-05-16 11:20 a.m., julio cesar sanchez wrote:
I sent a PR for using gradle 8, but not sure if that’s something we want or
we prefer to wait as is a big breaking change and plugins with complex
gradle files might break if using features that were removed.

El El mar, 16 may 2023 a las 5:02, Bryan Ellis <> escribió:

Does anyone have any reason to delay a release for cordova-android?

* cordova-android (12.0.0)

Any additional outstanding changes to land?

If not, I will start the release process shortly

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