2009/2/10 Michael McDaniel <couc...@autosys.us>:
>  ... also, an Erlang API that skips the
>                   JSON <-convert-> native Erlang terms
>  translation overhead.  Being as term translation is not necessary
>  when talking 'directly' with the CDB engine
>  (e.g. couch_query_servers:map_docs/2 could skip the JSON <-> term()
>  translation if the view engine reads/writes native Erlang terms)

Interesting.  I'd certainly consider this another level further than
what I was thinking of, or indeed would be thinking of using.  There
is probably a few levels where couch functionality could be exposed

I wonder how much doing this kind of bypassing for a native erlang
view engine would complicate the code?  Or would it give another clean


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