On 20 Feb 2009, at 03:31, Paul Davis wrote:

I manged to clean up the errors by removing the two calls to
couch_stats_[collector|aggregator]:stop() in couch_server_sup.erl at
about line 35.

Not at all certain if that's the appropriate method, but near as I can
tell it mimics the other secondary services.

Thanks, you've seen from the comment, that this was a rather hard
way to do this :) We needed, for testing, a way to reset statistics
and figured, if we call reloadServer() in the testsuite, we should
nuke all stats. Since the tests will be redone anyway, this is no
longer needed, I've updated the branch accordingly.


Paul Davis

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Robert Dionne
<dio...@dionne-associates.com> wrote:
I"m seeing the same kinds of errors. The suite ran once from Futon but tends
to fail on delayed_commits. It fails using runner also.

But it is working. I'm adding some functions to erl-couch to call stats from erlang clients. I've tried _stats and _stats/couchdb/request_time. I'm
getting numbers back.

It's very clean and the Eunit stuff is clearly a big win.

On Feb 19, 2009, at 8:16 PM, Chris Anderson wrote:

Having trouble with the build. Or, rather, it builds just fine, but
even the basics test seems to be failing, with lots of stuff like this
in the logfile:

[error] [<0.43.0>] {error_report,<0.21.0>,
[error] [<0.43.0>] {error_report,<0.21.0>,

It really could be just me. Anyone else tried to run the tests on the
current version of the branch?


I'm know I ran `make clean` and rebootstrapped. I'm launching CouchDB
with `make dev && utils/run`. It seems like Couch is running just
fine, but eventually the failure of couch_stats_* to boot properly is
causing it to drop http requests.

The code looks clean and well documented, so this should be easy to
fix, or maybe it's something on my end. It'd be helpful to hear if it
works for others.


Chris Anderson

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