On 13/03/2009, at 1:46 AM, Damien Katz wrote:

Atomic bulk docs is in the patch, it just doesn't do conflict checking. If any docs are conflicts, they are saved anyway as conflicts. This means it's really for message queue functionality, not database consistency, your data is safe and committed but might not be immediately available or consistent between docs. The reasons we are removing all or nothing with conflict checking as it doesn't work with replication (both offline and clustering) as docs are not replicated in a single transaction or even in update order. And getting it to work with partitioning would cause unacceptable write performances. If we leave it, people will rely on the behavior not understanding it doesn't really work with the rest of CouchDB.

So if you are currently using bulk docs to guarantee inter-document consistency, it already doesn't work with replication. It only works on a single machine, so no master-slave and no hot stand-by setup would work as neither are guaranteed to be in a consistent state at any point.

The current bulk docs IS useful in a particular scenario.

It allows me, on a single node, to do transactional updates in response to e.g. a web submit/AJAX call, without having to expose the conflict model to the user and deal with conflicts in my single-node code.

I then have two distinct phases of operation for peers:

1. Replication is triggered by the user and they do nothing else until replication commpletes, after which they have to resolve the conflicts generated by replication. This code deals with conflicts and a resolution UI and nothing else.

2. Normal operation - concurrent access by multiple applications, multiple users. The code never sees a conflict, and hence the user interaction and programming model is considerable simpler

There are a few additional features useful in this model, the principal ones being either 1) the ability to roll back a partial replication to deal with network failures; or b) the ability to maintain monotonic source writes which ensures that each replication step is consistent. To date neither of these features have gained sufficient community support to be considered.

I've presented this model before, and it has been rejected as being incompatible with the initial couchdb intentions, but in response to Tim Parkin, this is the reason for my fork. There are more details to my effort - pure binary bodies rather than JSON, unification of attachments with documents, strict metadata/content separation, map/ reduce over arbitrary data, generalised derivation, an immutable model of fully reified state, replication of operations rather than data - but maybe anyone interested can contact me offlist - it's no longer CouchDB and I'm sure everyone's sick of saying/reading "forget it, it's not going to happen" :)

Antony Blakey
CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd
Ph: 0438 840 787

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  -- Bertrand Russell

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