On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Jason Davies <ja...@jasondavies.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On 15 Mar 2009, at 23:40, Paul Davis wrote:
>> * https://issues.apache.org:443/jira/browse/COUCHDB-183
>> No pagination in Futon for reduce views
>> Looks like Jason Davies has got a couple patches up for this one. I
>> haven't tried applying them but he's left a note saying that there's a
>> todo item for blank pages at the beginning or end of the key range.
>> I'd defer to Christopher Lenz on this one.
> Yep, I would recommend at least applying the patch as it stands (assuming
> cmlenz is happy with it) as it is extremely useful for anyone using reduce
> views in Futon.
> The only remaining issue is that you can't tell if you are at the end of the
> key range as reduce views don't return "total_rows", hence it will just show
> zero rows if you carry on clicking "Next Page" (if descending=true is used
> this happens at the beginning instead of the end).  The fix would be to
> fetch rows_per_page + 1 and check if returned_rows.length is less than this.
> Unless there are any objections to the above approach, I don't mind spending
> a bit of time tomorrow afternoon working up an updated patch so we can get
> this nailed.
> --
> Jason Davies
> www.jasondavies.com

I have a sever lack of JavaScript-Fu, but looking over it I don't see
anything controversial. My thoughts would be to finish out the patch
for the rows+1 to get it rounded out.

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