On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've tried various combinations of UC_CASE_LEVEL, UC_CASE_FIRST, and 
> Also, I still don't see anything in this damned collation algorithm
> that explains how A < aa.  And this doesn't fall into the big/biggest
> comparison. The similar case would be Big < biggest. But I don't see
> anything in the damn collation algorithm document that talks about
> ignoring anything after primary weight in the case that one string is
> a prefix. In the various examples that I see I can't find anything
> that would contradict that expectation.
> Paul Davis
> For reference, the algorithm reference I'm using is this one:
> http://unicode.org/reports/tr10/
> I feel like printing the entire thing just so I can have a book burning.

The collation a < A < aa makes perfect sense to me. It's hard to see
how it could be any other way, unless you were also gonna have a < b <

> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Patrick Antivackis
> <patrick.antivac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> By the way, what customization did you try to send to ICU ?
>> 2009/4/10 Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com>
>>> Patrick,
>>> I'm not asking for this relationship:
>>> a < b < A < B
>>> Merely:
>>> a < aa < A
>>> The thing is that even when I try and specify explicitly that 'A;
>>> should come after 'a' I still can't get the expected "a < aa < A"
>>> behavior. In a nutshell, "Why the hell does the second 'a' alter the
>>> comparison?"
>>> HTH,
>>> Paul Davis
>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Patrick Antivackis
>>> <patrick.antivac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > It's quite normal as far as ICU is concerned.
>>> > ICU is about language not about ASCII code.
>>> > In ICU, case is the third element looked for comparison (same level than
>>> > circled letter in Nordic languages for example), so not very important.
>>> > So when you sort words together, a or A is still an a, so they are sorted
>>> > nearby. In ICU you can specify if you prefer a before A or A before a,
>>> but
>>> > not simply a before b before c.... before A before B before C.
>>> >
>>> > To have such behavior (like ASCII) you need to custom ICU in specifying
>>> the
>>> > collation you want almost letter by letter.
>>> > It is great for you, but what about Japanese users or Arabic users ??
>>> >
>>> > So this is definitely the right behaviour of ICU sorting (collation).
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2009/4/9 Brian Candler <b.cand...@pobox.com>
>>> >
>>> >> > I've spent entirely too long on this now and I still can't for the
>>> >> > life of me figure out why A < aa.
>>> >>
>>> >> Time for an experimental, black-box approach:
>>> >>
>>> >> ----
>>> >> require 'rubygems'
>>> >> require 'restclient'
>>> >> require 'json'
>>> >>
>>> >> DB="";
>>> >>
>>> >> RestClient.delete DB rescue nil
>>> >> RestClient.put "#{DB}",""
>>> >>
>>> >> (32..126).each do |c|
>>> >>  RestClient.put "#{DB}/#{c.to_s(16)}", {"x"=>c.chr}.to_json
>>> >> end
>>> >>
>>> >> RestClient.put "#{DB}/_design/test", <<EOS
>>> >> {
>>> >>  "views":{
>>> >>    "one":{
>>> >>      "map":"function (doc) { emit(doc.x,null); }"
>>> >>    }
>>> >>  }
>>> >> }
>>> >> EOS
>>> >>
>>> >> puts RestClient.get("#{DB}/_design/test/_view/one")
>>> >> ----
>>> >>
>>> >> This shows the collation sequence to be as follows.
>>> >>
>>> >> {"total_rows":95,"offset":0,"rows":[
>>> >> {"id":"20","key":" ","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"60","key":"`","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"5e","key":"^","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"5f","key":"_","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"2d","key":"-","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"2c","key":",","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"3b","key":";","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"3a","key":":","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"21","key":"!","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"3f","key":"?","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"2e","key":".","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"27","key":"'","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"22","key":"\"","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"28","key":"(","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"29","key":")","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"5b","key":"[","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"5d","key":"]","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"7b","key":"{","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"7d","key":"}","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"40","key":"@","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"2a","key":"*","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"2f","key":"/","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"5c","key":"\\","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"26","key":"&","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"23","key":"#","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"25","key":"%","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"2b","key":"+","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"3c","key":"<","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"3d","key":"=","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"3e","key":">","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"7c","key":"|","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"7e","key":"~","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"24","key":"$","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"30","key":"0","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"31","key":"1","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"32","key":"2","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"33","key":"3","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"34","key":"4","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"35","key":"5","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"36","key":"6","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"37","key":"7","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"38","key":"8","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"39","key":"9","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"61","key":"a","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"41","key":"A","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"62","key":"b","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"42","key":"B","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"63","key":"c","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"43","key":"C","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"64","key":"d","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"44","key":"D","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"65","key":"e","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"45","key":"E","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"66","key":"f","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"46","key":"F","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"67","key":"g","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"47","key":"G","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"68","key":"h","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"48","key":"H","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"69","key":"i","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"49","key":"I","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"6a","key":"j","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"4a","key":"J","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"6b","key":"k","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"4b","key":"K","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"6c","key":"l","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"4c","key":"L","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"6d","key":"m","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"4d","key":"M","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"6e","key":"n","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"4e","key":"N","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"6f","key":"o","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"4f","key":"O","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"70","key":"p","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"50","key":"P","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"71","key":"q","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"51","key":"Q","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"72","key":"r","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"52","key":"R","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"73","key":"s","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"53","key":"S","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"74","key":"t","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"54","key":"T","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"75","key":"u","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"55","key":"U","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"76","key":"v","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"56","key":"V","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"77","key":"w","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"57","key":"W","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"78","key":"x","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"58","key":"X","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"79","key":"y","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"59","key":"Y","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"7a","key":"z","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"5a","key":"Z","value":null}
>>> >> ]}
>>> >>
>>> >> I've never seen this sequence before. It's not even EBCDIC :-)
>>> >>
>>> >> Adding aa into the pot gives:
>>> >>
>>> >> ...
>>> >> {"id":"61","key":"a","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"41","key":"A","value":null},
>>> >> {"id":"X","key":"aa","value":null},
>>> >> ...
>>> >>
>>> >> As you say, that is most bizarre.
>>> >>
>>> >> Cheers,
>>> >>
>>> >> Brian.
>>> >>
>>> >

Chris Anderson

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