Hi folks!

We are writing an app using CouchDB where we tried to do some map/reduce to calculate "period sums" for about 1000 different "accounts". This is fiscal data btw, the system is meant to store detailed fiscal data for about 50000 companies, for starters. :)

The map function is trivial, it just emits a bunch of "accountNo, amount" pairs with "month" as key.

The reduce/rereduce take these and builds a dictionary (JSON object) with "month-accountNo" as key (like "2009/10-2335" and the sum as the value. This works fine, yes, it builds up a bit but there is a maximum of account numbers and months so it doesn't grow out of control, so that is NOT the issue.

Ok, here comes the punchline. When we dump the first 1000 docs using bulk, which typically will amount to say 5000 emits - and we "touch" the view to trigger it - it will be rather fast and behaves like this:

- a single Erlang process runs and emits all values, then it does a bunch or reduce on those values and finally it switches into rereduce mode and does those and then you can see the dictionary "growing" a bit but never too much. It is pretty fast, a second or two all in all.

Fine. Them we dump the *next* 1000 docs into Couch and triggers the view again. This time it behaves like this (believe it or not):

- two Erlang processes get into play. It seems the same process as above continues with emits (IIRC) but a second one starts doing reduce/rereduce *while the first one is emitting*. Ouch. And to make it worse - the second one seems to gradually "take over" until we only see 2-3 emits followed by tons of rereduces (all the way up I guess for each emit).

Sooo... evidently Couch decides to do stuff in parallell and starts doing reduce/rereduce while emitting here. AFAIK this is not the behavior described. The net effect is that the view update that took 1-2 seconds suddenly takes 400 seconds or goes to a total crawl and never seems to end.

By looking at the log it obviously processes ONE doc at a time - giving us 2-5 emits typically and then tries to reduce that all the way up to the root before processing the next doc. So the rereduces for the internal nodes will be run typically in this case 1000x more than needed.

Phew. :) Ok, so we are basically hosed with this behavior in this situation. I can only presume this has gone unnoticed because:

a) Updates most of us do are small. But we dump thousands of new docs using bulk (a full new fiscal year of data for a given company) so we definitely notice it.

b) Most reduce/rereduce functions are very, very fast. So it goes unnoticed. Our functions are NOT that fast - but if they were only run as they should (well, presuming they *should* only be run after all the emits for all doc changes in a given view update) it would indeed be fast anyway. We can see that since the first 1000 docs work fine.

...and thanks to the people on #couchdb for discussing this with me earlier today and looking at the Erlang code to try to figure it out. I think Adam Kocolski and Robert Newson had some idea about it.

regards, Göran

PS. I am on vacation now for 4 weeks, so I will not be answering much email. I wanted to get this posted though since it is in some sense a rather ... serious performance bottleneck.

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