On 24.07.2009, at 14:37, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
Reading the spec  and with feedback from cmlenz on irc, I'm changing
my position for GET :)

If content-length is know, I think CouchDB should send unchunked until
the client don't ask for specific encoding with TE in headers and http
version is 1.1  :

(Background: the one thing chunked encoding gives you over "identity" encoding with a Content-Length header is that you can detect some kind of data corruptions before having consumed the entire response. Benoit noted that this was important to him.)

I can't really figure out a nice way to have the client request chunked encoding. "TE: chunked; q=1" is implicit in HTTP/1.1, so how would a client say: "really, I'd prefer chunked encoding"?

We *could* have CouchDB use chunked encoding for attachments GETs only when "TE: chunked" is specified, but that'd be a proprietary hack, AFAICT.

There's also "TE: trailers" to indicate that the client supports trailers in chunked responses. We could base the decision on that header, but that'd be just as much of a hack IMO.

Maybe a query string parameter really is the way to go here?

Christopher Lenz
  cmlenz at gmx.de

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