> What would you think to doing:
> desk...@couchdb.apache.org <desk...@couchdb.apache.org>
> Making this an official CouchDB special interest list?

+1  (though i do understand at this point my opinion is a grain of sand)

Perhaps re...@... or something like post-re...@... would be a an appropriate
name for a generic spark generator mailing list.

A special interest that gathers momentum and spawns from this could postion
itself in a range that intuitively indicates the type of discussion that may
be expected, reducing maintenance overhead.

Something like (only an example...of course the topic-type split would
require better resolution):

relax-...@couchdb.apache.org  //   app dev topics of primarily authoring
erlang libs
relax-0...@couchdb.apache.org  //   app dev topics of primarily authoring
erlang libs
relax-...@couchdb.apache.org  //  app dev topics of primarily authoring
javascript libs
relax-...@couchdb.apache.org  //  app dev topics of working with standard
libs and methods
relax-0...@couchdb.apache.org  //  topics of performance testing against
standard libs and methods

Any newly spawned special interest topic would position itself in relation
to the existing groups...such as futon colour scheme or layout may be
relax-0...@couchdb.apache.org or purely layout discussion could be
relax-0....@couchdb.apache.org...though such granularity may not
neccessarily be expected, the option exists if eventually required.

For new user and even longtime users it would be intuitive to find the dev
category of special interest at any time across a vast range of lists.

Specific apps could indicate their use using the relax-cat and each list
could indicate the apps that are associated with it...

New special interest discussion lists could be determined quickly using a
form linked to the couchdb homepage that requires a proposed relax-cat ie
relax-...@couchdb.apache.org supported by a discussion stack from the parent

Concerns addressed would be system maintence overhead and user
self-orientation ie quickly finding what you are looking for.  One
additional benefit is that special interest clusters of the user base and
therefore effectively the nature of couchdb would be clearly demonstrated in
a relaxing way.

I hope this has relevence and is helpful.

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