Hey guys,

I've tested this a couple times with smaller database and so far, I
always had to rebuild my views when I updated a server from 0.9.x to
0.10.0. And I also had that confirmed (by some of you). ;-)

Now my problem is the following -- last time I build the view on the
database, it took a week to finish, literally 7.5 days. The view code
itself is pretty simple, but the database contains a 160,000,000
documents and totals to ~200 GB in size. With a set of this magnitude,
I'd like to avoid another week. I'd even like to avoid 3-4 days (even
though I'm a fan, I don't think it's twice as fast).

So my question is if there is *any* way to avoid view rebuilding and
still updating to 0.10.x.

Thanks for listening,

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