Hi Paul,

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Carl,
>> However I noticed sometimes someone uploads an attachment but Firefox
>> got the content-type wrong (done on the client side with my SUPER
>> HACK).  To correct this, I use Futon to edit the document JSON source
>> and change the content_type and save the document. But my change to
>> the content_type field does not get saved.
> I'm actually not entirely sure what would happen in this scenario. I
> don't think we test it anywhere. Since futon grabs the _attachments
> data as a stub, saving it back to the DB with the non-inline style
> should just ignore any changes you make. And now that you mention it,
> I don't think there's actually a way to change the content-type
> without re-uploading the binary data. That definitely seems like
> overlooked functionality, but not quite a bug.
>>       // Mime-type SUPER HACK
>>       xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",
>> file.getAsDataURL().match(/data:([^;]*);/)[1]);
>>       xhr.sendAsBinary(file.getAsBinary());
> I have never ever seen JavaScript that does such things. Is this
> actually possible in a cross browser fashion or some FF extension?
> Paul Davis

Yes that JavaScript relies on Mozilla Firefox 3 specific interfaces:



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