On Feb 19, 2010, at 6:43 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:

> * Paul Davis:
>> Do you have any examples of how other sites have protected against
>> this? Unless I'm missing something I don't see how this is specific to
>> Futon so surely someone else has some explicit documentation on how to
>> avoid such things.
> The standard countermeasure puts session identifiers into URLs
> (sometimes they are called "form tokens", but this doesn't fit the
> context here).
> Upon login, the client could specify if it wants a session with or
> without form tokens.

Because of the sensitive nature of security issues we've been discussing this 
on the security list.

The consensus is that we should use a nonce-based system for any requests that 
accept form POSTs.

You've mentioned a couple of times that XHR can make cross-domain post 
requests. I'm not sure this is the case (I know you can do cross domain form 

If you have a resource or example showing cross-domain XHR with a JSON content 
type we'd love to see it so we can take it into account.


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