On Mar 5, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:

> On 5 Mar 2010, at 15:44, Mikeal Rogers wrote:
>> I'm +1 on dogfooding a couchapp doc site.
>> Last week Greg Stein mentioned something about a "space" that you can
>> get at apache.
>> Basically you get a box or VM or something that is part of apache
>> infrastructure but the apache infra people don't maintain it, the
>> people in your project do, so you can run your own stuff when
>> necessary on Apache infra if you're willing to take on the task of
>> maintaining it.
> Yeah, that'd be the Solaris Zones the PMC Chair can request form
> Infra.

Someone set us up the Couch!


> Cheers
> Jan
> --
>> -Mikeal
>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Nicolas Steinmetz <nsteinm...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Le 05/03/10 21:42, Noah Slater a écrit :
>>>> I would like to work WITH the ASF, and not "against" them, where possible.
>>> I agree as ASF is your sponsor.
>>> If the issue is just MoinMoin and as I think that couchdb.apache.org is
>>> plain html (or is there a CMS behind it ?), what about couchdb core dev to
>>> push html files from the github repo (manually or automatically) ?
>>> As far as I can see it :
>>> - You remain on ASF infra for official doc (as core dev can push docs
>>> against a given version of couchdb or other statement)
>>> - For WIP doc, it's stored on github with features mentionned earlier. If
>>> you want to use ASF infra, we can swith back to svn I guess.
>>> I think that it can sound fair for everybody.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nicolas

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