On Mar 24, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Brian Candler wrote:

>> Brian, Benoit, can you both double check and do a clean-slate installation 
>> into a new --prefix if you haven't done so? 
> Unfortunately the original box I was using is now powered down until next
> week.
> I have done a test on another box (Ubuntu Karmic, x86_64). The test suite
> under Firefox gave one error, which someone else already reported:
> stats failure 4914ms  
>   1. Assertion 'Opening a db increments open db count.' failed: expected 
> '-5', got '-6'

This is a timing issue in a non-critical subsystem, so I wouldn't worry about 
it. Rerunning should eventually pass.

> There are a bunch of exceptions in the server log after running the suite. 
> These are shown below.  Probably these are expected side effects of the
> testing (like reduce not reducing fast enough).  But the ReferenceErrors I
> reported before are still there.

Yes, all these errors are "normal" in the context of the test suite. The 
ReferenceErrors are also intentional. We test to ensure that you can't eg call 
GC from a view.


> Regards,
> Brian.
> # cat couch.log | egrep -v 'GET|PUT|POST|DELETE|COPY|^\s*$|checkpointing view 
> update|Batch doc error|Shutting down view group server|Starting 
> compaction|Compaction for|starting replication|starting new 
> replication|recording a checkpoint'
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:43:48 GMT] [info] [<0.32.0>] Apache CouchDB has started 
> on
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:18 GMT] [error] [<0.85.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
>              {<0.85.0>,supervisor_report,
>               [{supervisor,{local,couch_secondary_services}},
>                {errorContext,child_terminated},
>                {reason,normal},
>                {offender,[{pid,<0.88.0>},
>                           {name,query_servers},
>                           {mfa,{couch_query_servers,start_link,[]}},
>                           {restart_type,permanent},
>                           {shutdown,brutal_kill},
>                           {child_type,worker}]}]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:21 GMT] [error] [<0.85.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
>              {<0.85.0>,supervisor_report,
>               [{supervisor,{local,couch_secondary_services}},
>                {errorContext,child_terminated},
>                {reason,normal},
>                {offender,[{pid,<0.1065.0>},
>                           {name,query_servers},
>                           {mfa,{couch_query_servers,start_link,[]}},
>                           {restart_type,permanent},
>                           {shutdown,brutal_kill},
>                           {child_type,worker}]}]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: row: {"id":"1","key":1,"value":"1"}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: row: {"id":"2","key":2,"value":"2"}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: simpleForm
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: simpleForm
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: simpleForm
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: simpleForm
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [info] [<0.1142.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2395> 
> Log :: simpleForm
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [error] [<0.85.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
>              {<0.85.0>,supervisor_report,
>               [{supervisor,{local,couch_secondary_services}},
>                {errorContext,child_terminated},
>                {reason,normal},
>                {offender,[{pid,<0.1116.0>},
>                           {name,query_servers},
>                           {mfa,{couch_query_servers,start_link,[]}},
>                           {restart_type,permanent},
>                           {shutdown,brutal_kill},
>                           {child_type,worker}]}]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:25 GMT] [error] [<0.85.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
>              {<0.85.0>,supervisor_report,
>               [{supervisor,{local,couch_secondary_services}},
>                {errorContext,child_terminated},
>                {reason,normal},
>                {offender,[{pid,<0.1246.0>},
>                           {name,query_servers},
>                           {mfa,{couch_query_servers,start_link,[]}},
>                           {restart_type,permanent},
>                           {shutdown,brutal_kill},
>                           {child_type,worker}]}]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:49 GMT] [info] [<0.2254.0>] replication terminating 
> because local DB is shutting down
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [info] [<0.1697.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2806> 
> Log :: hello fun
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [info] [<0.1697.0>] OS Process #Port<0.2806> 
> Log :: hello fun
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [error] [<0.2532.0>] OS Process Error 
> <0.1697.0> :: {not_found,<<"document not found">>}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [error] [<0.2532.0>] OS Process Error 
> <0.1270.0> :: {not_found,<<"missing function">>}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [info] [<0.2800.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3064> 
> Log :: xml: <xml>
>  <node foo="plankton"/>
> </xml>
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [error] [<0.2532.0>] OS Process Error 
> <0.2800.0> :: {not_acceptable,
>                                   <<"Content-Type text/monkeys not supported, 
> try one of: application/foo, application/x-foo, application/xml, text/xml, 
> application/x-xml, text/html; charset=utf-8">>}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [info] [<0.2803.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3066> 
> Log :: xml: <xml>
>  <node foo="plankton"/>
> </xml>
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:44:55 GMT] [info] [<0.2803.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3066> 
> Log :: hello fun
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:01 GMT] [info] [<0.2803.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3066> 
> Log :: 
> {"_id":"0dee88d8b8d14b34b6f13f7ee476483d","_rev":"1-3e6cde7286c8b41dc36a5bf9ca346449","word":"plankton","name":"Rusty","_revisions":{"start":1,"ids":["3e6cde7286c8b41dc36a5bf9ca346449"]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:01 GMT] [info] [<0.2803.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3066> 
> Log :: null
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:01 GMT] [error] [<0.2532.0>] OS Process Error 
> <0.2803.0> :: {method_not_allowed,
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:01 GMT] [info] [<0.3084.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3134> 
> Log :: null
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:05 GMT] [info] [<0.3084.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3134> 
> Log :: function raised exception (new TypeError("doc.undef is not a 
> function", "")) with doc._id 0dee88d8b8d14b34b6f13f7ee4764336
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:05 GMT] [error] [<0.2532.0>] attempted upload of 
> invalid JSON foo
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:05 GMT] [error] [<0.3248.0>] OS Process Error 
> <0.3084.0> :: {os_process_error,"OS process timed out."}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:05 GMT] [error] [<0.3240.0>] ** Generic server 
> <0.3240.0> terminating 
> ** Last message in was {'EXIT',<0.3244.0>,
>                           {{nocatch,
>                                {os_process_error,"OS process timed out."}},
>                            [{couch_os_process,prompt,2},
>                             {couch_query_servers,'-map_docs/2-fun-1-',2},
>                             {lists,map,2},
>                             {couch_query_servers,map_docs,2},
>                             {couch_view_updater,view_compute,2},
>                             {couch_view_updater,do_maps,4}]}}
> ** When Server state == {group_state,undefined,<<"test_suite_db">>,
>                         {"/v/build/couchdb-0.11/var/lib/couchdb",
>                          <<"test_suite_db">>,
>                          {group,
>                           <<125,215,164,226,92,11,253,149,125,147,18,207,197,
>                             239,151,146>>,
>                           nil,nil,<<"_design/infinite">>,<<"javascript">>,[],
>                           [{view,0,
>                             [<<"infinite_loop">>],
>                             <<"function(doc) 
> {while(true){emit(doc,doc);}};">>,
>                             nil,[],[]}],
>                           nil,0,0,nil,nil}},
>                         {group,
>                          <<125,215,164,226,92,11,253,149,125,147,18,207,197,
>                            239,151,146>>,
>                          {db,<0.3185.0>,<0.3186.0>,nil,
>                           <<"1269463505015114">>,<0.3183.0>,<0.3187.0>,
>                           {db_header,5,4,0,
>                            {12546,{4,0}},
>                            {12873,4},
>                            nil,0,nil,nil,1000},
>                           4,
>                           {btree,<0.3183.0>,
>                            {12546,{4,0}},
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.7.132302543>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.8.107957134>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.5.124754102>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.9.46112288>},
>                           {btree,<0.3183.0>,
>                            {12873,4},
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.10.19027664>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.11.35033879>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.5.124754102>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.12.56344865>},
>                           {btree,<0.3183.0>,nil,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.0.83553141>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.1.30790806>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.2.124754102>,nil},
>                           4,<<"test_suite_db">>,
> "/v/build/couchdb-0.11/var/lib/couchdb/test_suite_db.couch",
>                           [],[],nil,
>                           {user_ctx,null,[],undefined},
>                           nil,1000,
>                           [before_header,after_header,on_file_open]},
>                          <0.3242.0>,<<"_design/infinite">>,<<"javascript">>,
>                          [],
>                          [{view,0,
>                            [<<"infinite_loop">>],
>                            <<"function(doc) {while(true){emit(doc,doc);}};">>,
>                            {btree,<0.3242.0>,nil,
>                             #Fun<couch_btree.3.83553141>,
>                             #Fun<couch_btree.4.30790806>,
>                             #Fun<couch_view.less_json_ids.2>,
>                             #Fun<couch_view_group.10.120246376>},
>                            [],[]}],
>                          {btree,<0.3242.0>,nil,#Fun<couch_btree.0.83553141>,
>                           #Fun<couch_btree.1.30790806>,
>                           #Fun<couch_btree.2.124754102>,nil},
>                          0,0,nil,nil},
>                         <0.3244.0>,nil,false,
>                         [{{<0.2532.0>,#Ref<>},4}],
>                         <0.3245.0>}
> ** Reason for termination == 
> ** {os_process_error,"OS process timed out."}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:06 GMT] [error] [<0.3240.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
>    {<0.3240.0>,crash_report,
>     [[{initial_call,{couch_view_group,init,['Argument__1']}},
>       {pid,<0.3240.0>},
>       {registered_name,[]},
>       {error_info,
>           {exit,
>               {os_process_error,"OS process timed out."},
>               [{gen_server,terminate,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}},
>       {ancestors,
>           [couch_view,couch_secondary_services,couch_server_sup,<0.32.0>]},
>       {messages,[]},
>       {links,[<0.3242.0>,<0.92.0>]},
>       {dictionary,[]},
>       {trap_exit,true},
>       {status,running},
>       {heap_size,1597},
>       {stack_size,24},
>       {reductions,502}],
>      [{neighbour,
>           [{pid,<0.3245.0>},
>            {registered_name,[]},
>            {initial_call,{couch_ref_counter,init,['Argument__1']}},
>            {current_function,{gen_server,loop,6}},
>            {ancestors,
>                [<0.3240.0>,couch_view,couch_secondary_services,
>                 couch_server_sup,<0.32.0>]},
>            {messages,[]},
>            {links,[<0.3242.0>]},
>            {dictionary,[]},
>            {trap_exit,false},
>            {status,waiting},
>            {heap_size,233},
>            {stack_size,9},
>            {reductions,47}]},
>       {neighbour,
>           [{pid,<0.3242.0>},
>            {registered_name,[]},
>            {initial_call,{couch_file,init,['Argument__1']}},
>            {current_function,{gen_server,loop,6}},
>            {ancestors,
>                [<0.3240.0>,couch_view,couch_secondary_services,
>                 couch_server_sup,<0.32.0>]},
>            {messages,[]},
>            {links,[<0.3240.0>,<0.3245.0>,#Port<0.3165>]},
>            {dictionary,[]},
>            {trap_exit,false},
>            {status,waiting},
>            {heap_size,1597},
>            {stack_size,9},
>            {reductions,1710}]}]]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:06 GMT] [error] [emulator] Error in process 
> <0.3248.0> with exit value: {{nocatch,{os_process_error,"OS process timed 
> out."}},[{couch_os_process,prompt,2},{couch_query_servers,'-map_docs/2-fun-1-',2},{lists,map,2},{couch_query_servers,map_docs,2},{couch_view_updater,view_compute,2},{couch_view_updater...
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:06 GMT] [error] [<0.3261.0>] OS Process Error 
> <0.3262.0> :: {reduce_overflow_error,
>                                   <<"Reduce output must shrink more rapidly: 
> Current output: 
> '[[\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\"'...
>  (first 100 of 9003 bytes)">>}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:06 GMT] [error] [emulator] Error in process 
> <0.3261.0> with exit value: {{nocatch,{reduce_overflow_error,<<187 
> bytes>>}},[{couch_os_process,prompt,2},{couch_query_servers,os_reduce,3},{couch_query_servers,reduce,3},{couch_view_group,'-init_group/4-fun-0-',4},{couch_btree,'-write_node/3-lc$^0/1-0-'...
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:06 GMT] [error] [<0.3252.0>] ** Generic server 
> <0.3252.0> terminating 
> ** Last message in was {'EXIT',<0.3256.0>,
>                           {{nocatch,
>                                {reduce_overflow_error,
>                                    <<"Reduce output must shrink more rapidly: 
> Current output: 
> '[[\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\"'...
>  (first 100 of 9003 bytes)">>}},
>                            [{couch_os_process,prompt,2},
>                             {couch_query_servers,os_reduce,3},
>                             {couch_query_servers,reduce,3},
>                             {couch_view_group,'-init_group/4-fun-0-',4},
>                             {couch_btree,'-write_node/3-lc$^0/1-0-',3},
>                             {couch_btree,write_node,3},
>                             {couch_btree,modify_node,4},
>                             {couch_btree,query_modify,4}]}}
> ** When Server state == {group_state,undefined,<<"test_suite_db">>,
>                         {"/v/build/couchdb-0.11/var/lib/couchdb",
>                          <<"test_suite_db">>,
>                          {group,
>                           <<83,213,163,250,122,234,250,40,192,47,13,26,254,74,
>                             26,85>>,
>                           nil,nil,<<"_design/testbig">>,<<"javascript">>,[],
>                           [{view,0,[],
>                             <<"function (doc) {emit(doc.integer, 
> doc.integer)};">>,
>                             nil,
>                             [{<<"reduce_too_big">>,
>                               <<"function (keys, values) { var chars = []; 
> for (var i=0; i < 1000; i++) {chars.push('wazzap');};return chars; };">>}],
>                             []}],
>                           nil,0,0,nil,nil}},
>                         {group,
>                          <<83,213,163,250,122,234,250,40,192,47,13,26,254,74,
>                            26,85>>,
>                          {db,<0.3185.0>,<0.3186.0>,nil,
>                           <<"1269463505015114">>,<0.3183.0>,<0.3187.0>,
>                           {db_header,5,4,0,
>                            {12546,{4,0}},
>                            {12873,4},
>                            nil,0,nil,nil,1000},
>                           4,
>                           {btree,<0.3183.0>,
>                            {12546,{4,0}},
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.7.132302543>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.8.107957134>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.5.124754102>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.9.46112288>},
>                           {btree,<0.3183.0>,
>                            {12873,4},
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.10.19027664>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.11.35033879>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.5.124754102>,
>                            #Fun<couch_db_updater.12.56344865>},
>                           {btree,<0.3183.0>,nil,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.0.83553141>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.1.30790806>,
>                            #Fun<couch_btree.2.124754102>,nil},
>                           4,<<"test_suite_db">>,
> "/v/build/couchdb-0.11/var/lib/couchdb/test_suite_db.couch",
>                           [],[],nil,
>                           {user_ctx,null,[],undefined},
>                           nil,1000,
>                           [before_header,after_header,on_file_open]},
>                          <0.3254.0>,<<"_design/testbig">>,<<"javascript">>,
>                          [],
>                          [{view,0,[],
>                            <<"function (doc) {emit(doc.integer, 
> doc.integer)};">>,
>                            {btree,<0.3254.0>,nil,
>                             #Fun<couch_btree.3.83553141>,
>                             #Fun<couch_btree.4.30790806>,
>                             #Fun<couch_view.less_json_ids.2>,
>                             #Fun<couch_view_group.10.120246376>},
>                            [{<<"reduce_too_big">>,
>                              <<"function (keys, values) { var chars = []; for 
> (var i=0; i < 1000; i++) {chars.push('wazzap');};return chars; };">>}],
>                            []}],
>                          {btree,<0.3254.0>,nil,#Fun<couch_btree.0.83553141>,
>                           #Fun<couch_btree.1.30790806>,
>                           #Fun<couch_btree.2.124754102>,nil},
>                          0,0,nil,nil},
>                         <0.3256.0>,nil,false,
>                         [{{<0.2532.0>,#Ref<>},4}],
>                         <0.3257.0>}
> ** Reason for termination == 
> ** {reduce_overflow_error,<<"Reduce output must shrink more rapidly: Current 
> output: 
> '[[\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\"'...
>  (first 100 of 9003 bytes)">>}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:06 GMT] [error] [<0.3252.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
>    {<0.3252.0>,crash_report,
>     [[{initial_call,{couch_view_group,init,['Argument__1']}},
>       {pid,<0.3252.0>},
>       {registered_name,[]},
>       {error_info,
>           {exit,
>               {reduce_overflow_error,
>                   <<"Reduce output must shrink more rapidly: Current output: 
> '[[\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\",\"wazzap\"'...
>  (first 100 of 9003 bytes)">>},
>               [{gen_server,terminate,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}},
>       {ancestors,
>           [couch_view,couch_secondary_services,couch_server_sup,<0.32.0>]},
>       {messages,[]},
>       {links,[<0.3254.0>,<0.92.0>]},
>       {dictionary,[]},
>       {trap_exit,true},
>       {status,running},
>       {heap_size,1597},
>       {stack_size,24},
>       {reductions,554}],
>      [{neighbour,
>           [{pid,<0.3257.0>},
>            {registered_name,[]},
>            {initial_call,{couch_ref_counter,init,['Argument__1']}},
>            {current_function,{gen_server,loop,6}},
>            {ancestors,
>                [<0.3252.0>,couch_view,couch_secondary_services,
>                 couch_server_sup,<0.32.0>]},
>            {messages,[]},
>            {links,[<0.3254.0>]},
>            {dictionary,[]},
>            {trap_exit,false},
>            {status,waiting},
>            {heap_size,233},
>            {stack_size,9},
>            {reductions,47}]},
>       {neighbour,
>           [{pid,<0.3254.0>},
>            {registered_name,[]},
>            {initial_call,{couch_file,init,['Argument__1']}},
>            {current_function,{gen_server,loop,6}},
>            {ancestors,
>                [<0.3252.0>,couch_view,couch_secondary_services,
>                 couch_server_sup,<0.32.0>]},
>            {messages,[]},
>            {links,[<0.3252.0>,<0.3257.0>,#Port<0.3173>]},
>            {dictionary,[]},
>            {trap_exit,false},
>            {status,waiting},
>            {heap_size,1597},
>            {stack_size,9},
>            {reductions,2202}]}]]}}
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:11 GMT] [info] [<0.3281.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3179> 
> Log :: function raised exception (new ReferenceError("gc is not defined", 
> "")) with doc._id 507c6abca23ffc68e9b7ad37e0133d2c
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:11 GMT] [info] [<0.3281.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3179> 
> Log :: function raised exception (new ReferenceError("map_funs is not 
> defined", "")) with doc._id 507c6abca23ffc68e9b7ad37e0133d2c
> [Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:45:11 GMT] [info] [<0.3281.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3179> 
> Log :: function raised exception (new ReferenceError("map_results is not 
> defined", "")) with doc._id 507c6abca23ffc68e9b7ad37e0133d2c

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