On Jun 25, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Randall Leeds wrote:

> Thanks for the clarifications, Jan.
> All makes sense now. 0.11.x has to continue to exist and be fulfill
> its "stated use".
> New features should be reverted out of there.

Sounds good to me, but I'm not sure about what's worth removing from 0.11.x and 
what isn't. I suppose if anything would be an impediment to a smooth upgrade 
for a 0.11 user, it should be backed out.

As I recall most of the stuff in 0.11.x isn't new features (maybe some feature 
refinements) so unless it could mess up someone's day, I don't think it's 
crucial to un-backport it.

At the moment there are still some 0.11.x bugfixes in trunk that are not in 
0.11.x. For instance the auth cache stuff which fixes performance issues with 
the users_db under heavy load.

> Yeah. We're in agreement.

I also agree with Jan here:

1) branch 1.0.x from trunk.
2) revert non-bugfix changes from 0.11.x.
3) revert 1.1 patches (not junk at all) from the 1.0.x branch.

with an additional

4) continue to backport bugfixes to 0.11.x, 0.10.x, etc.

I don't think we need to say (4) but I want to be extra clear.

So, next step is to get a list of 1.1 (not 1.0) patches that are in trunk. And 
a list of non-0.11.x patches that are in 0.11.x (I hope this list is short).


Chris "Did I send this twice?" Anderson

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