On 30 Nov 2010, at 11:47, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

> On 30 Nov 2010, at 11:41, Robert Dionne wrote:
>> I also received this when I forwarded your reply to my post to 
>> dev.apache.org.
>>> Please note that the address:
>>>   dev@couchdb.apache.org
>>> will cease working on December 1, 2010.  Please update your contact address 
>>> to the same address @blackrock.com.
> You may want to do a quick 'dig mx couchdb.apache.org' and 'dig mx 
> apache.org' and then hop onto IRC to talk to the #asfinfra folks (or drop 
> them an email). But given the results I get from above MX information - my 
> first guess would be some issue local to your infrastructure - in particular 
> a misconfiguration at 'blackrock' seems most likely.

Grin - I got a bouncer as well - so that makes the most likely scenario that 
someone on this lists is processed through blackrock.com - and that is what 
causes the backscatter.

I'll do a quick trace if this does not disappear in the next 48 hours - and 
will them notify that person.


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