On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Kristina Schneider
<krie...@couchone.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am the creative head at CouchOne, and Jan asked me to help out with the 
> redesign of the Apache CouchDB Website.
> He pointed me to Klaus Trainer’s fork, and I took it from there.
> https://github.com/Kriesse/couchdb_web


it really looks great with colors and all -- as do all things you design! :-)

Here are my "but's":

IMHO, the frontpage has too much of a ecommerce landing page, what I
mean is -- it is maybe a tiny bit too over-commercialiazed (if there
is such a word). The 'quote' on top, etc.. Right now, it's just
missing a "PURCHASE NOW" link. ;-)

On 1024x768 all I only see the header -- I like the smaller version
(on download.html) much better.

Sidenote: It's nice that this looks similar to CouchOne, but the
CouchDB project also consists of other people ;-)


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