Hi all,

I'm experimenting problem with the current method used when
authentification fail. If you pass worng authentificatino headre you
are redirected to an html page asking for credention. So technically
we do :

401 -> 302 -> 200

Which is wrong if we follow the spec. "The response MUST include a
WWW-Authenticate header field [..] [1] . It also introduce some bugs,
try for example to create a database when not logged.

The reason we use a 302 actually is for couchapps. I think we should
change that behavior:

1. Provide appropriate HTTP response by default
2. Use the tricks of cookie auth (specific header) to let the
CouchApps access to CouchDB. Something like "X-Auth-..." headre in the
request that notify us we need to  send a response that will not
raises the dialog box in browsers.

Thoughts ?

[1] http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.2

- benoƮt

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