
What browser are you using? Officially we only support FF3.5 (unless
that version changed recently?) but the tests generally work on all
the WebKit browsers as well though occasionally they get out of whack
and someone eventually gets pissed and fixes them so we don't have to
run FF.

Beyond that it looks like your environment is up to snuff. I'd expect
many more failures if not. The last error I think is an on purpose one
which just says your SM is a bit old. The others I've not heard
reports of or seen myself though its been awhile since I've run the
Futon tests on trunk.

Also, for tests there's also the etap tests which you can run using
`make check` that might also point at an error somewhere.


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Jake Levirne <couc...@jakelevirne.com> wrote:
> Hello-
> I'm new to couchdb-dev and am trying to get to the point where I can
> make useful contributions.  Right now 8 of my tests are failing when I
> run the test suite in futon (details below).
> I'm running on an Ubuntu 10.04.2 Server virtualbox, and I've forked
> and cloned apache/couchdb on github and am up to date with
> git.apache.org/couchdb.git (so I think I have the latest trunk).
> I've followed these instructions for running couchdb in dev mode:
> http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Running%20CouchDB%20in%20Dev%20Mode
> and I believe all my dependencies are in order (I  was able to
> bootstrap, configure, and build successfully).  Are these errors
> expected?  If not, any pointers for how to get started tracking down
> what might be wrong with my setup?
> basics  success 14232ms
> all_docs        success 6441ms
> attachments     error   5699ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion failed: xhr.responseText == lorem
>    Exception raised: {"message":"actual is
> null","fileName":"","lineNumber":322,"stack":"TEqualsIgnoreCase(\"text/plain;charset=utf-8\",null)@\u000a(false)@\u000arun(0)@\u000a"}
> attachments_multipart   success 4498ms
> attachment_names        success 1643ms
> attachment_paths        success 3852ms
> attachment_ranges       success 3046ms
> attachment_views        success 2370ms
> auth_cache      success 16065ms
> batch_save      success 67251ms
> bulk_docs       success 4190ms
> changes success 19200ms
> compact success 11128ms
> config  success 4686ms
> conflicts       success 2191ms
> content_negotiation     success 1253ms
> cookie_auth     success 12960ms
> copy_doc        success 2367ms
> delayed_commits success 25500ms
> design_docs     success 40423ms
> design_options  success 2835ms
> design_paths    success 3316ms
> erlang_views    success 5132ms
> etags_head      failure 2012ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion failed: xhr.status == 304
> etags_views     success 12380ms
> form_submit     success 558ms
> http    success 1980ms
> invalid_docids  success 1386ms
> jsonp   success 2227ms
> large_docs      success 1504ms
> list_views      failure 6230ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion 'xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200"'
> failed: standard get should be 200
>    Assertion failed: /head0123456789tail/.test(xhr.responseText)
> lots_of_docs    success 1329ms
> method_override success 1730ms
> multiple_rows   success 2342ms
> oauth   success 15701ms
> proxyauth       success 5462ms
> purge   success 8323ms
> reader_acl      success 11426ms
> recreate_doc    success 10891ms
> reduce  success 38180ms
> reduce_builtin  failure 50824ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion failed: db.info().doc_count == (i - 1) * 10 * 11 + (j + 1) * 11
> reduce_false    success 1184ms
> reduce_false_temp       success 1171ms
> replication     success 554998ms
> replicator_db   failure 137115ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion failed: typeof repDoc2._replication_state === "undefined"
>    Assertion failed: typeof repDoc2._replication_state_time === "undefined"
> rev_stemming    failure 10205ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion failed: db.open("bar", {revs:
> true})._revisions.ids.length == newLimit + 1
>    Assertion failed: db.open("bar", {revs:
> true})._revisions.ids.length == newLimit + 1
> rewrite success 7711ms
> security_validation     success 26567ms
> show_documents  success 9692ms
> stats   failure 43987ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion 'triggered, "We managed to force a all_dbs_active
> error."' failed: We managed to force a all_dbs_active error.
> update_documents        success 5215ms
> users_db        success 4339ms
> utf8    success 3098ms
> uuids   success 2186ms
> view_collation  success 13409ms
> view_collation_raw      success 7263ms
> view_conflicts  success 2533ms
> view_compaction success 5684ms
> view_errors     success 7816ms
> view_include_docs       success 7203ms
> view_multi_key_all_docs success 3578ms
> view_multi_key_design   success 5621ms
> view_multi_key_temp     success 1158ms
> view_offsets    success 23291ms
> view_pagination success 15272ms
> view_sandboxing failure 3380ms
>    Run with debugger
>    Assertion 'Warning: installed SpiderMonkey version doesn't allow
> sealing of arrays' failed: expected '2', got '3'
> view_update_seq success 10399ms
> view_xml        success 1728ms

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