On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 28 Jun 2011, at 10:51, Sebastian Cohnen wrote:
>> ./test/javascript/run: NOT OK, but I guess that's okay for now
>> -> not ok 3 attachment_names expected '"Created"', got 'null'
>> -> not ok 26 form_submit false
>> -> not ok 44 replication ReferenceError: $ is not defined
>> futon test suite (Safari 5.0.5): OK
> None of the tests should fail.
> I've said this before and I will say it again. The test suite forms a 
> contract between the devs and the release team, and between the release team 
> and the user. If they are expected to fail, they are next to useless.
> Perhaps there is some good reason for them failing?

Dear Noah Slater,

These tests fail because the JS environment on the command line does
not support asynchronous XHR because that would require me to write
lots of whacky C to support a handful of assertions. These are not
part of the official test suite because they require a live server to
be opened and I wasn't good enough to figure out a way to be extra
sure to make sure the server doesn't linger around after the tests
have run. Also, it'd be good to configure things to use a random port
as well. Also, making them official makes the curl dependency
non-optional for release managers and testers, so there's also that.

Yours truly,
Paul Davis

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