On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 18 Jul 2011, at 20:42, Noah Slater wrote:
>>> What is wrong is the place where (some) _writes_ go. Don't know if possible,
>>> but, continuing in your example, changes in geocouch config should go to
>>> geocouch.ini, other changes to local.ini. Or maybe changes to existing key
>>> should go to the file from where it was effectively read, new keys to
>>> local.ini. Or maybe this is way too complicated :-)
>> Also agreed.
>> There is obviously a problem in where we write back to. But I don't 
>> necessarily think this means we need to break implicit compatibility with 
>> system behaviour expectations. Perhaps a way to solve it would be to write 
>> out to a generated.ini file that is loaded last.
> My understanding is that local.ini is that generated.ini.
> Ideally, we'd track which config setting came from which file and write to 
> the appropriate "local" counterpart, but I'm not willing to write the 
> necessary code for that.
> I'm willing to patch the read order to make sure changes get written to 
> local.ini however.
> Cheers
> Jan
> --

Maybe generated conf could go in a couch.cfg file to make clear
distinction between what we can edit (and local.ini is one) and others

- benoƮt

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