Following the test procedure, I get as far as this command:

svn export

Obviously, we can't instruct people to do this any more, because we use Git.

What should we replace this step with?

We need a quick and painless way to check out the tag into a temporary

Ideally, whatever we recomend shouldn't rely on the user already having a
clone of the main repository.

Current suggestions from Paul:

git archive v1.2.9 | tar -C /tmp/new/path -xv

Problem: It requires you to do this from an existing clone, which will be a
pain to set up if you don't have one. And if you do have one, you will need
to make sure it is up to date. Lots of potential for problems, errors,
or hassle.

Problem: Requires you to substitute the commit hash of the tag, which will
be awkward and error prone.

Any other ideas?

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Robert Newson <> wrote:

> This is the release vote for Apache CouchDB 1.1.1
> Changes in this release:
> * Support SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
> * Add configurable maximum to the number of bytes returned by _log.
> * Allow CommonJS modules to be an empty string.
> * Bump minimum Erlang version to R13B02.
> * Do not run deleted validate_doc_update functions.
> * ETags for views include current sequence if include_docs=true.
> * Fix bug where duplicates can appear in _changes feed.
> * Fix bug where update handlers break after conflict resolution.
> * Fix bug with _replicator where include "filter" could crash couch.
> * Fix crashes when compacting large views.
> * Fix file descriptor leak in _log
> * Fix missing revisions in _changes?style=all_docs.
> * Improve handling of compaction at max_dbs_open limit.
> * JSONP responses now send "text/javascript" for Content-Type.
> * Link to ICU 4.2 on Windows.
> * Permit forward slashes in path to update functions.
> * Reap couchjs processes that hit reduce_overflow error.
> * Status code can be specified in update handlers.
> * Support provides() in show functions.
> * _view_cleanup when ddoc has no views now removes all index files.
> * max_replication_retry_count now supports "infinity".
> * Fix replication crash when source database has a document with empty ID.
> * Fix deadlock when assigning couchjs processes to serve requests.
> * Fixes to the document multipart PUT API.
> We encourage the whole community to download and test these release
> artifacts so that any critical issues can be resolved before the release
> is made. Everyone is free to vote on this release. Please report your
> results and vote to this thread.
> We are voting on the following release artifacts:
> Instructions for validating the release tarball can be found here:
> Instructions for testing the build artefacts can be found here:
> These artifacts have been built from the 1.1.1 tag in Git:
> apache-couchdb-1.1.1.tar.gz
> apache-couchdb-1.1.1.tar.gz.md5
> apache-couchdb-1.1.1.tar.gz.asc
> apache-couchdb-1.1.1.tar.gz.sha
> Since you have read this far, you MUST vote.

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