
On 21 October 2011 05:06, Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Noah Slater <nsla...@tumbolia.org> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> On advice from Gavin McDonald, I'd like to suggest that we lock down the
>> wiki to a list of pre-approved users. To get approved to make edits, you
>> would submit a request to one of the mailing lists or to one of the wiki
>> admins or committers. That's it. It should remove the need to protect pages
>> like the "in the wild" stuff and the people on the couch. Other projects
>> have implemented this and they get absolutely no spam as a result.
>> Infrastructure suggested we move to it, and I wanna see what people think
>> about it.
>> More info here:
>> http://wiki.apache.org/general/OurWikiFarm
>> Look for the section:
>> per wiki access control - tighten your wiki just a little, benefit just a
>> lot
>> Thanks,
>> N
> +1 one of these
> http://astroblog.cosmobc.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/shuttle.jpg

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