+1 yes please. I love the couchdb ecosystem, but binary releases have
been a sore spot. There has been a lot of chatter lately about the
fragmented state of couchdb, which I think could be quelled with some
visible, easy to install binaries for the major platforms.

I know this is the apache dev list and there is probably many
interests subscribed here. But if we compare our apples to say the
oranges found here: http://www.mongodb.org/downloads , It is really
hard for a new person to know where to begin with couch.

>1. This first iteration are links from couchdb.apache.org that are clearly
>  marked as "unofficial 3rd party binary downloads" that are not hosted on
>  ASF infrastructure.

If we start with a "unofficial 3rd party binary downloads" as a grid,
we will be off to a good start.

Thanks Jan for starting this discussion.

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