On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:24 AM, Joan Touzet <jo...@atypical.net> wrote:

> Hello CouchDB Developers,
> Based on an informal survey of CouchDB users who are interested in
> contributing to the project, two key items tend to hold people back:
>  1. Knowing Erlang (and the CouchDB coding style)
>  2. Knowing the CouchDB code base
> So I decided to further my own grad research in Education, and
> contribute back to CouchDB, by volunteering to coordinate a class for
> 6-20 students.
> ** I'd like to propose an Introduction to CouchDB Programming course,
> kicking off January 5, 2012, and ask for support from the current devs
> on this list.
> This won't be a traditional classroom course! Students themselves will
> be shaping the direction of the course, the topics covered, and will be
> expected to lead at least one week of online discussion. (I'll be
> providing the pedagogical framework for this Collaborative Learning
> model. This is my area of active research.)
> The idea is that, by the end of course (10 weeks or so), participants
> will have learned enough Erlang to have basic competency, and enough
> about the CouchDB code base to contribute. The "final exam" would be
> completing and submitting some number of patches from the outstanding
> bin of bugs in JIRA.
> ** I NEED YOUR HELP in two ways:
>  A. Suggestions for good reference material (e.g. learnyousomeerlang)
>  B. Volunteers from the current devs to conduct a "guided tour" of
>     1 or more parts of the code
> The "guided tours" are the essential bits for this class to be
> successful, and I'd like them as much as possible to be accurate and
> accessible to newbs. These tours could take many forms:
>  * A screencast of you talking about some code, e.g. ScreenFlow
>  * A live walkthrough over Adobe Connect video (time donated by my
>    University dep't for the class)
>  * IRC-based runthrough
>  * "Ask the developer" - respond to questions about code on the class
>    forum
>  * You fly everyone out to your house for dinner :) Etc.
> ** If you're willing to help out, please reply on or off list and let me
> know. Let's grow the contributor community!
> All the best,
> --
> Joan Touzet  |  jo...@atypical.net  |  wohali most other places

+1 . count for me as well.

- benoit

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