I've just got to try the 1.2.0 Windows binaries at
http://people.apache.org/~dch/dist/snapshots/20120127/ on Windows 7 and
Windows 8 Preview and hit a few initial issues with the Futon test
suite which seem worth feeding back to the list.

1. If you upgrade an existing instance by uninstalling, then installing
1.2.0 (i.e. you keep any existing users), and the original instance had
admin users, then the Verify Installation tool in Futon returns X: [object
Object] if you are not logged in as an admin. It would be more useful if it
detected the problem and gave a pop-up to tell you to log in as an admin.

2. The replication test fails when you run the tests through on a clean
install, with a "file exists" error. However, it succeeds on rerunning.

3. The replicator_db test fails in a variety of ways. On the first run it
fails with:

1. Assertion failed: copy === null
2. Assertion failed: expected 'null', got

on subsequent runs it fails with things like:

Assertion failed: expected '"fdmanana"', got 'null'

and then leaves me logged in as user joe. Eventually it seems to settle to

1. Assertion failed: copy === null
2. Assertion failed: copy === null
3. Assertion failed: expected 'null', got '{"_id":"foo666","_rev":"1

However, the behaviour does vary enough that I only consider the foo666
error to be a properly reportable issue.

Do other people get these errors, or are they peculiar to my setup? In
particular the replicator_db test is very odd in its lack of
consistency. Thanks,

Nick North

PS Tests were run using Firefox 10.0.

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