On 10 June 2012 12:38, Hans J Schroeder <h...@cloudno.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have checked how the others (Membase, CouchBase) are doing it and suggest 
> the following disk layout:
> Data Dir / Application Support Folder
> =====================================
> ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc
>        couchdb-server.ini
> ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/var/run/couchdb
>        couch.uri
> ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/var/lib/couchdb
>        views & dbs
> Logs
> ====
> ~/Library/Logs
>        couchdb-server.log
> Is this ok?

+1 to all of that.

For consistency does anybody object to just using couch.log and
local.ini (like we do on all the other platforms)?

It won't help new Mac users, but for simple couch people like myself
it keeps the context confusion down.

> - Hans
> P.S. I have also found the incompatibility between OS X versions 10.6.8 - 
> 10.7.2 and the later ones. I guess we can serve
> all with one binary


If the changes are problematic then don't let this stop you & we
should roll with what we have already, and ticket up the rest for

Thanks a million!


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