>> I think I need to explain that bit. If we want to use Bootstrap and less.js 
>> we need a build tool that will compile the less files into css and then 
>> upload the couchapp into couchdb. Grunt.js is a good fit  but it is an extra 
>> dependancy as it requires node.js. Maybe Erica could do that instead. At 
>> this stage these are pretty minor issues that will be easy to sort out later.
> Also the less-to-CSS could be done at release time instead of
> run-time, so only the people who hack on Futon will have to install
> node. That would be fine with me, of course.

I have been going back and forth on this topic in my head for a while.
My thoughts.

- I love having the power of a build system like grunt and tools like
less, and precompilers etc. It's joy to a webdevs life.
- building couchdb from source is already a massive endeavor for
requirements. We have to watch we dont make it more difficult. eg, now
you need node, etc
- Erica (might or might not) be bundled with couchdb, but I think it
is the right choice for the final push to couchdb.
- I dont think erica should have any extra tooling in it (ie less
compiling), at most it will support build step hooks.

With those points in mind I have been working on a pretty minimal
erica build. It can be seen here:


Here are the key points to it:

- anyone can push with just erica on their system.
- a production run can be called with the Make command. This requires
jam (yes, a node module), which only alters one file, and nothing
needs to change.
- We would make a branch/tag that would have the production 'one file'
checked in.
- it uses a package manager (jamjs) for js dependencies which is
_supported_ by 2 people in the couchdb community (caolan and myself)
- it is following an 'attachment first' style that I am adding into
erica. This is much more palatable for webdevs.
* dont worry about the pouchdb stuff in there I was just playing, we
can use any 'driver' we choose.

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