Well the way os_daemons works would imply to copy the ddoc content on the
fs so the  erlang port can be open.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Alexander Shorin <kxe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Well,
> >
> > In my opinion the couchdb http external api  is just an hack waiting
> > something better. When I am thinking to couchdb i am thinking to one of
> its
> > core feature aka master-master replication. On wich I add "p2p". So maybe
> > my view is biased. But based on this view for me plugin should also be
> > replicable. Using external api would make it hard to replicate though
> it's
> > possible by copying content of a doc on the fs. To be honest I don't
> think
> > it's a good way to handle that.
> Hm, if they need to be replicable, this theoretically could be done by
> placing them into ddocs at externals and os_daemons keys. So when ddoc
> get stored, these functions goes to query server which executes them
> and becomes external process or os_daemon. One big feature lose is an
> ability to free kill external process to restart it: with query server
> implementation it wouldn't be easy to find correct process due to
> similar naming.
> P.S. Just trying to play around current things, may be something fresh
> and new will be much more better.
> --
> ,,,^..^,,,

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