We used to use stg for shipping patch sets about. Having a series of patches 
appear by mail that you can apply to a local review branch was pretty nice and 
the tool will bundle things up and mail em for you.  

On Friday, 15 March 2013 at 19:58, Paul Davis wrote:

> I've actually been noticing a bit of a disconnect between GitHub PR
> discussions and the mailing list.
> I suppose I should finally tell everyone that as a bit of an
> experiment I've actually been actively ignoring any CouchDB related
> PRs to see how much discussion leaked through to the mailing list. As
> everyone has probably realized that's been pretty much zero.
> We've discussed a few times about having some sort of bot that relays
> replies back and forth between the ML and the PR thread (which while
> theoretically sounds neat, I don't have high hopes as every being
> super reliable (though I would love to be proven wrong)).
> Noah's email is actually a bit serendipitous as I was just researching
> Git/Email/GitHub connectivity ideas the other night. Something
> triggered the realization that we're spending an awful lot of time
> discussing how to integrate the use of a tool written to directly
> integrate with email to integrate with email (its right, read it
> again).
> That said I did a bit of research and it looks like getting Git to
> send patches around via email is relatively straight forward. Git can
> send emails directly and newer versions have direct support for Gmail.
> If users have issues with their particular email provider there's also
> documentation on setting up msmtp as an intermediary.
> OTOH there's little to know documentation on how you manage the flip
> side of things and actually do the receiving of patches over email and
> apply them to a local copy of the repo. I've been looking at a few
> tools to try and script something together that'll manage this
> process. Not sure how easy this will be but I'm hopeful I'll be able
> to knock something together. Also of interest is GitHub's "PR as mbox"
> if you add the .patch extension. With a bit of scripting I reckon we'd
> also be able to have a tool that fairly easily pulls those as well for
> anyone that can be bothered to setup Git to send emails.
> Anyway, just a heads up that I'm gonna start playing with some of
> these bits to get a feel for how easy it is to actually send patches
> around via email and so on. If anyone's interested feel free to chime
> in.
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Hey folks,
> > 
> > I'd like to bring two things to your attention:
> > 
> > https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/43
> > https://github.com/cloudant-labs/couchdb/pull/18
> > 
> > These just happen to be two pull requests I looked at today, there are more.
> > 
> > On the one hand, this is great. Obviously. Any sort of constructive
> > activity happening around CouchDB is great.
> > 
> > But on the other hand, this discussion is core development discussion, and
> > should be happening on the dev list where everybody can see it.
> > 
> > (This is foundational stuff for an Apache project. Community building
> > should be focused around the mailing lists. I get that Github is useful for
> > people, but we're not a Github project, so our activity should not be
> > happening there.)
> > 
> > I don't know what to suggest. Obviously, I think pull requests are great.
> > And I think the forking model of Github is great, because it allows people
> > to contribute more easily, and in a manner that suits them.
> > 
> > But on the other hand, we shouldn't be having important development
> > discussions in pull requests. The PR isn't even against the Apache CouchDB
> > mirror. It's against a Cloudant fork! (So even less likely that folks are
> > going to see it.)
> > 
> > Perhaps one of the policies we could document is that discussion of pull
> > requests must be brought to the list.
> > 
> > That is, if a PR comes in to the Apache Github mirror, then we make a
> > polite comment on the PR that points them to the mailing list thread and
> > asks them to participate in that forum, so the maximum amount of devs can
> > see and contribute.
> > 
> > We could also say that if you have a fork of CouchDB, and you're planning
> > to contribute the work back to Apache CouchDB (as is the case with the
> > Cloudant fork) that you do the same with any PRs that are made to your
> > repos.
> > 
> > A sample template comment could be as follows:
> > 
> > ==
> > 
> > Thank you for the pull request!
> > 
> > This is a mirror of the Apache CouchDB project, so many of the committers
> > do not monitor it for comments. Instead of discussing this pull request
> > here, I have started a thread on the [developer mailing list] and I invite
> > you to participate!
> > 
> > 
> > ==
> > 
> > Additionally, the mailing list thread, or the first reply to it, should CC
> > the original author.
> > 
> > One alternative to this (which is a bit of a mess, I know) is to write
> > an integration that copies Github comments to the mailing list thread, and
> > mailing list posts to the PR. Not sure that would work with forks of the
> > main mirror, however.
> > 
> > Thoughts? Flames?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > --
> > NS
> > 

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