Here's the clearance file:

> "Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been
updated to reflect the new ASF copyright. "

I saw something mentioned about this on IRC. Jan suggested we just make the
change while importing the code into a Git branch. I take it this has been
done, as the date has been filled in on the clearance form.

Only section we need to complete is:

> Verify distribution rights

Looks like all of that can be checked off immediately, no?

After doing that and committing back to Subversion, should be as simple as
posting a lazy consensus thread to and waiting three

On 19 June 2013 20:43, ASF IRC Services <>wrote:

> Members present: benoitc, drsm79, wendall911, Kxepal, chewbranca, Wohali
> ----------------
> Meeting summary:
> ----------------
> 1. Preface
>   a. Kxepal to get finally the cloak (Wohali, 1)
> 2. 1.3.1 release
>   a. nslater to ship 1.3.1 release (Kxepal, 2)
>   b. nslater to ship 1.3.1 release (Wohali, 2)
> 3. fauxton
>   a. (Kxepal, 3)
>   b. people to comment on chewbranca's fauxton and replicator commands in
> JIRA or the ML (Wohali, 3)
> 4. rcouch merge
>   a. benoitc to propose vote for rcouch merge with short digest about
> rcouch features (Kxepal, 4)
> 5. bigcouch ip clearance
> 6. docs
>   a. kxepal to finish configuration, installation and administration
> guides for docs and describe query server and replication protocols
> (Kxepal, 6)
> --------
> Actions:
> --------
> - Kxepal to get finally the cloak (Wohali, 19:05:21)
> - nslater to ship 1.3.1 release (Kxepal, 19:06:17)
> - nslater to ship 1.3.1 release (Wohali, 19:06:29)
> - people to comment on chewbranca's fauxton and replicator commands in
> JIRA or the ML (Wohali, 19:14:01)
> - benoitc to propose vote for rcouch merge with short digest about rcouch
> features (Kxepal, 19:26:12)
> - kxepal to finish configuration, installation and administration guides
> for docs and describe query server and replication protocols (Kxepal,
> 19:38:16)
> IRC log follows:
> # 1. Preface #
> 19:05:21 [Wohali]: #action Kxepal to get finally the cloak
> 19:05:28 [Kxepal]: woo..magic!
> # 2. 1.3.1 release #
> 19:05:54 [Wohali]: plz to vote, myself included
> 19:06:01 [Kxepal]: Noah is on vacantions now, but everything is ready to
> ship (mac and windows builds)
> 19:06:06 [Wohali]: excellent
> 19:06:17 [Kxepal]: #action nslater to ship 1.3.1 release
> 19:06:29 [Wohali]: #action nslater to ship 1.3.1 release
> 19:06:36 [Wohali]: (dunno if it listens to you yet :( )
> 19:07:01 [Kxepal]: [offtopic] afaik actions and links aren't requires karma
> 19:07:58 [Kxepal]: tilgovi isn't there to ask about deb package - afaik he
> wanted to make it, but not sure
> 19:08:17 [Kxepal]: ok, moving forward
> # 3. fauxton #
> 19:08:42 [Kxepal]: wee (:
> 19:08:55 [Kxepal]: sorry
> 19:09:18 [Kxepal]: chewbranca just mailed about Fauxton Tidings
> 19:09:21 [Kxepal]: #link
> 19:09:33 [drsm79]: good work chewbranca :)
> 19:09:49 [Wohali]: hooray russell
> 19:10:02 [drsm79]: should people feedback via JIRA (assume yes)?
> 19:10:21 [Kxepal]: awesome! didn't read detailed yet (will do it after
> meeting), but looks really wonderful
> 19:10:24 [Wohali]: my only comment i sthat deprecation of _replicate
> should be no sooner than 2.0
> 19:10:49 [Wohali]: i guess it could be deprecated but not removed now.
> 19:11:24 [Kxepal]: it's bikesheding question since one shot replications
> will pollute replicator db in this case, but it's good to raise it one more
> time in ML
> 19:11:24 [drsm79]: +1
> 19:11:31 [Wohali]: indeed
> 19:12:02 [Kxepal]: afaik rnewson is working on alternative solution for
> clouldant:
> 19:12:41 [Wohali]: that's just a new implementation of the same api iirc
> 19:12:46 [Kxepal]: it's also very interesting implementation to look on
> (per user's replicator database)
> 19:13:11 [Wohali]: yeah, the original design has some serious security
> issues when taken in the light of multitenancy.
> 19:14:01 [Wohali]: #action people to comment on chewbranca's fauxton and
> replicator commands in JIRA or the ML
> 19:15:16 [drsm79]: we should probably get sue (deathbear) along to these
> in the future
> 19:15:28 [drsm79]: she's done a lot of the fauxton code
> 19:17:58 [Wohali]: ok, what's next
> 19:18:11 [Kxepal]: drsm79: great! hope it will be soon (:
> # 4. rcouch merge #
> 19:18:36 [Kxepal]: benoitc: are you there?
> 19:19:39 [benoitc]: mostly
> 19:20:36 [Kxepal]: benoitc: any plans for rcouch merge?(:
> 19:21:34 [benoitc]: apparently i have to propose to a vote this merge
> (though I would have prefer to just merge it as usual commits)
> 19:22:25 [benoitc]: so i need to digest this indigest doc, and will
> probably propose to the vote all the thing tomorrow.
> 19:23:48 [benoitc]: the plan is to propose all the features in rcouch
> 19:24:49 [Kxepal]: great news! is any help required with this?
> 19:25:08 [benoitc]: ie view changes, replication based on view, lager
> merging, validate on read, fixes in replication, rebar, live upgrade and all
> 19:25:54 [benoitc]: yeah i have a couple of questions on the process yet,
> but they may disappear after another read of this doc
> 19:26:12 [Kxepal]: #action benoitc to propose vote for rcouch merge with
> short digest about rcouch features
> 19:27:28 [Kxepal]: benoitc: I think rnewson and nslater may share some
> information about . Also, on previous meeting jan____ posted some
> clarification about ip clearance process which also might be helpful
> 19:27:47 [benoitc]: wll read that thx
> # 5. bigcouch ip clearance #
> 19:30:11 [Kxepal]: ah, I'd forgot...
> 19:30:24 [Kxepal]: [20:29:08]  rnewson: oops, I forgot to do more of that
> ip clearance doc :/
> 19:30:38 [chewbranca]: hey just got in, I'm pretty swamped today so have
> to jet again, but please check out the fauxton tidings email and I'll
> respond to any comments or questions later today or tomorrow, cheers!
> 19:30:56 [Kxepal]: so will wait for news on next meeting (:
> 19:31:29 [Kxepal]: chewbranca: sure we will! thanks for awesome work(:
> # 6. docs #
> 19:33:13 [Kxepal]: I'd started pushing things to the
> 1781-reorganize-and-improve-docs git branch. it follows the targets
> described in COUCHDB-1781 issue
> 19:33:20 [Kxepal]: COUCHDB-1781
> 19:33:51 [drsm79]: cool Kxepal
> 19:34:14 [Kxepal]: currently there is only configuration reference, but
> djc wisely mentioned that's guide style is better there and grouping
> similar things is a good idea
> 19:35:10 [Kxepal]: so I'm regrouping config reference now, extracting some
> guides into other docs sections (administrators guide for instance) to
> improve overall readablity
> 19:36:31 [Kxepal]: in my plans is to finish configuration reference,
> installation and administrators guides, query server and replication
> protocols till next week
> 19:38:16 [Kxepal]: #action kxepal to finish configuration, installation
> and administration guides for docs and describe query server and
> replication protocols
> 19:38:48 [Kxepal]: any review and typo/style fixing will be great since
> I'm not native English speaker (:
> 19:38:55 [Kxepal]: that's all from me
> 19:40:09 [wendall911]: thanks, Kxepal
> 19:40:35 [drsm79]: thats awesome Kxepal
> 19:41:11 [Kxepal]: thanks (:
> 19:43:48 [Wohali]: ASFBot: meeting end


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