Members present: jan____, Kxepal

Meeting summary:

1. Preface

2. 1.4 release

3. docs status

IRC log follows:

# 1. Preface #
13:06:21 [Kxepal]: topics for today: 1.4, docs status
13:06:52 [Kxepal]: suddenly, not yet finished all things to push, but will say 
few words about

# 2. 1.4 release #
13:08:02 [jan____]: ship ship ship
13:08:18 [Kxepal]: so..Dirkjan has returned from vacations and we hope to start 
voting on release very-very soon. stay tuned!
13:11:42 [jan____]: yup, no updates otherwise, we are still ready to roll :)
13:12:25 [Kxepal]: by the way, there is available 1.4.0 beta package for 
. any help to get CouchDB 1.4.0 into Ubuntu Saucy would be awesome addition to 
the release (:
13:12:41 [jan____]: Kxepal: how can one help?
13:14:25 [Kxepal]: jan____: I believe that need to take a look on active issues 
about and help with fixing of them. Just one of
13:16:10 [Kxepal]: ok, but let's first make release (:

# 3. docs status #
13:17:48 [Kxepal]: I'll announce last changes that will be available in 
1781-reorganize-and-improve-docs branch within an hour after the meeting
13:18:03 [Kxepal]: suddenly I'd not pushed them before it
13:18:26 [Kxepal]: API reference was rewrited to use sphinx-httpdomain 
13:19:19 [jan____]: nice!
13:19:28 [Kxepal]: this gives us more structured api reference, autolinks to 
RFC for http response codes and headers, grouping request parameters and 
"typifying" json response bodies and more and more
13:19:43 [jan____]: way cool
13:21:01 [Kxepal]: also I have to write some more text so, I feel I'll need for 
the review and typo hunting help one more time (:
13:21:30 [Kxepal]: jan____, thanks for fixing query server protocol and 
configuration articles (:
13:22:16 [jan____]: you’re welcome, this whole branch is so good, I would 
love to get it into master asap
13:22:47 [Kxepal]: me too(:
13:22:48 [Kxepal]: ok, so, that's all about. more info will be in resume mail 
at dev@ in the next hour or two. stay tunned!(:
13:25:56 [Kxepal]: ASFBot: meeting end

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