I'm fine with tagging my commits.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Simon Metson <si...@cloudant.com> wrote:

> > > Seems awfully complicated to make fauxton erlang shaped when we
> > > already have the simple static file handler.
> >
> > depends if fauxton eed more in the future. but for now I agree. Not sure
> > though how the final build could be done for the release? sub-modules? or
> > just a curl fetch and that's all?
> Assuming eed == need - I can't see how it would need more, it's a consumer
> of the API not an API itself. If there was something it needed it would be
> built in the appropriate piece of CouchDB and Fauxton would reflect the new
> API's.
> So, the question remains; what needs to be done to move fauxton to the new
> repo? IIUC these new repos aren't ready for consumption, yet. Is that right?

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