Noah and the Apache CouchDB PMC, thank you for nominating me to join
your number.

Boy, how times have changed! In May 2009, I was a month or so into PhD
research. I popped on IRC to ask my first CouchDB question - why a view
was never returning - and stumbled upon a way to get invalid UTF-8 data
into Couch, but not back out. Jan, Damien, Monty and Paul helped me out,
though Paul was occasionally AFK looking at new apartment listings, and
of course Monty was barking mad.

People were friendly, engaged, and genuinely interested in the bug that
became COUCHDB-345. It took 4 months to fix, and ended up with a patch
set upstream to mochiweb as well.

Since then I've been a non-stop user of CouchDB, including incorporating
it into a p2p secure asset sharing system, an artefact repository for
software release & deployment, as a backend for some top 10 mobile phone
games and of course work on CouchDB, bigcouch and Cloudant themselves.

I remain convinced that CouchDB is the sleeper NoSQL tech that's winning
in the long run.

We've got a lot of bugs to squash still, 2 big merges to get done and a
whole lot of great requests and suggestions from the community at large.
I look forward to doing everything I can to facilitate that work, and a
few of my own patches as well.

Rock on,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Noah Slater" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 4:57:24 AM
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Joan Touzet joins the PMC

Dear community,

I am delighted to announce that Joan Touzet joins the Apache CouchDB
Project Management Committee today.

Joan has made outstanding, sustained contributions to the project.
This appointment is an official acknowledgement of their position
within the community, and our trust in their ability to provide
oversight for the project.

Everybody, please join me in congratulating Joan!

On behalf of the CouchDB PMC,

Noah Slater

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