Hey everyone.

master has been stable for a number of weeks now. We should start moving
towards releasing CouchDB 2.0.

What does that mean? I think the items remaining, before we can consider
a release candidate are limited to:

* Simplify cluster setup. (Owner: Jan L.)
* Remove futon, add fauxton as default dashboard (Owner: Jan L.)
* Go/no-go on view sequence index (Owner: Ben B., see other thread)
* Fix remaining disabled eunit test cases (Owner: Alex S.)
* Documentation review (Needs an owner!)

Separately, we need to:

* Create a 1.x.x branch (Owner: Jan L.)
* Start a 1.7 candidate with deprecations in docs only (Owner: Alex S.)

Have I missed anything?

Any volunteers to look at the docs? The work would entail installing
master, testing everything out, and starting to make edits to reconcile
the two. API work would be the most straightforward.

Installation and initial setup will be the tricky part. We're already
getting questions on IRC like "So is 15984 the new CouchDB port?" that
are just representative of the dev/run script, not how CouchDB should be


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