---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Sally Khudairi* <>
Date: Friday, 19 December 2014
Subject: The Apache Software Foundation publishes long-overdue Code Of
To: Apache Announce List <>

>> this announcement is available online at

We pride ourselves at The Apache Software Foundation on our principles of
"community over code" and "don't be a jerk". But, alas, we've been slow to
codify some of these things in public. Part of this, I'm sure, is that it’s
easy to think we all just know how we're supposed to treat people, and so
you shouldn't have to say, right?

But, of course, you do have to say. In part because some people don't know
[1]. And in part because it’s important that we communicate our values [2]
to the people in our community, and to people who might be considering
joining our community. There has been a recent push in tech circles to
include a Code of Conduct at events, conferences, etc. (Ashe Dryden
maintains an introductory resource for learning more about how Codes of
Conduct can help.) Increasingly, open source projects are adopting a Code
of Conduct too, and we think this is a good idea that could help improve
open source as a whole.

At ApacheCon, I was approached by Joan Touzet, an active member of the
Apache CouchDB community, who had noted that we referenced a Code of
Conduct on the main ASF website, but that no such document actually existed
anywhere on our site. CouchDB has devoted a lot of time over the last few
months crafting their Code of Conduct. It addresses everything from what's
acceptable on the mailing lists, to how to report it if someone isn’t
upholding community standards. This seemed like a great starting point, and
so the ASF has adopted this as our initial Code of Conduct, with minor
edits that remove the CouchDB-specific language. (It is my understanding
that the CouchDB community now intends to use the Foundation level Code of
Conduct, and will work with us to bring additional improvements to it.)

No doubt, we'll get criticism for being so slow to do this, and we accept
that. But it's never too late to take steps in the right direction, and we
feel that this is an important one. Not just for the ASF, but for all open
source projects and organisations.

You are encouraged to join the conversation on the Community Development
mailing list. Whether you have changes you'd like to see in that document,
or whether you'd like to discuss any other aspect of the Apache community.
Any sort of community discussion topic is welcome. For example, Noah
Slater, also from the CouchDB community, brought up the subject of punitive
measures for infractions, which is an important but difficult issue. We'd
love to hear your perspective on this, and help us continue to move in the
right direction.

--Rich Bowen, Executive Vice President


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Noah Slater

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