Github user iilyak commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/couch_file.erl ---
    @@ -257,13 +257,43 @@ nuke_dir(RootDelDir, Dir) ->
     init_delete_dir(RootDir) ->
         Dir = filename:join(RootDir,".delete"),
    -    % note: ensure_dir requires an actual filename companent, which is the
    -    % reason for "foo".
    -    filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(Dir,"foo")),
    +    ensure_dir(Dir),
    +    TmpDir = make_temp_name(Dir),
    +    % rename original directory so we can return and delete files 
    +    ok = file:rename(Dir, TmpDir),
    +    % recreate original directory
    +    ensure_dir(Dir),
    +    spawn(fun() -> delete_temp_dirs(RootDir, Dir) end),
    +    ok.
    +make_temp_name(Prefix) ->
    +    {A,B,C} = now(),
    +    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s.tmp-~p.~p.~p",[Prefix, A, B, C])).
    +delete_temp_dirs(RootDir, Prefix) ->
    +    Dirs = filelib:wildcard(Prefix ++ ".tmp-" ++ "*", RootDir),
    +    [ok = delete_dir(Dir) || Dir <- Dirs],
    +    ok.
    +ensure_dir(Dir) ->
    +    filelib:ensure_dir(Dir ++ "/").
    --- End diff --
    According to docs for filename module:
    In Windows, all functions return file names with forward slashes only, even 
if the arguments contain back slashes. 
    Also if I remember correctly it worked on windows. However it was long time 
ago when I did erlang project on windows. So it might be broken on recent 
erlang versions, but I doubt.

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